Example sentences of "always [been] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This has always been the only way in which future interests in personal property can be created .
2 The Source — Building societies have always been the traditional source of mortgage finance , however , banks finance companies and specialist lenders have also moved into the market and now provide major competition to the building societies .
3 He had been in trouble for the most part of his life , the eldest of the poor working class family of seven children , he had always been the black sheep .
4 She had always been the great friend of Noreen 's and of Liam too in his young days .
5 One source of recruitment has always been the armed services , not only because their staff have already been security vetted , but also because they are used to carrying out dull repetitive chores and filling out the endless paperwork that forms the major part of any intelligence operation .
6 ‘ Participant observation ’ has always been the central method of ethnographers .
7 And this , of course , has always been the central dilemma and one that the critics of TNC practices in the Third World can not escape .
8 Corduroy has always been the poor man 's velvet ; its pile is made of cotton , rather than silk or satin , and by the eighteenth century it was being worn all over Europe , not by kings , but by working men .
9 But in the folklore of Liverpool Police it was the ‘ bucks ’ who had always been the primary object of street powers .
10 GOLD HAS always been the ultimate store of value — and so it is proving here today .
11 A personal hate of mine has always been the general level of noise which distortion sounds seem to produce , no matter what precautions you take .
12 Of course , what applies to animals applies equally to people : indeed , it has always been the declared aim of the behaviourists to understand and to control human behaviour .
13 Lord Callaghan , the last Labour prime minister , said : ‘ What happened in the 1980s was a temporary aberration from what has always been the real position of the Labour Party , and Neil Kinnock has recaptured the traditional position . ’
14 This has always been the leading point of contrast between written and spoken language , but with maximally informal conversation , the contrast becomes dramatic indeed .
15 Local authorities have always been the main providers of wheelchair and mobility adapted housing , and although the actual number of such dwellings decreased between the periods 1970/81 and 1982/6 due to an overall decline in their house-building programme , the percentage of wheelchair and mobility adapted housing increased in this period .
16 The presentation of issues and their translation into government policy has always been the blind spot of American parties .
17 The reader is reminded that according to the reasoning of this book , the ‘ events ’ have always been the direct result of the satisfying of ‘ desire ’ , the existence of which is the basic presumption relegated to pre-life and therefore having no direct relevance to the Created God .
18 Jewellery has always been the Arabian woman 's cash box .
19 In Molly 's own words : ‘ Thinking back to these early classes , I realise that it has always been the enthusiastic response of the class members that has made it seem supremely worth while to go on …
20 Staveley GC shed had always been the local dumping ground for withdrawn and stored locos from the Sheffield area .
21 ‘ Plus , ’ said Jack , ‘ the lyric has always been the natural medium for the untrammelled expression of feeling .
22 Youth has always been the ideological sign of pleasure because it is a time of irresponsibility , possibility , change ; young people are envied and feared and so feature in the organization of consumption as a recurring adult fantasy .
23 That had always been the constitutional position , he said , but the big demonstrations of the past few days had proved that he had a popular mandate too .
24 I represent the principle of authority and am bound to make it respected in my person : such has always been the conscious object of my relations with the working class . ’
25 That after all has always been the federalist hope .
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