Example sentences of "member of the [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 MOTORISTS who have been members of the RAC for 50 years or more are to receive special awards .
2 The admission of the taxpayers ' children to the school therefore did not involve the school in losing full fees which would otherwise have been paid by members of the public for the places which the taxpayers ' children occupied .
3 In a unique experiment , police called together members of the public for an all day seminar to discuss how to turn the tables on the burglar and thief .
4 A contemporary physician in Barcelona , Dr Diza de Isla , wrote that syphilis had been unknown until that date and that he had treated members of the crew for ‘ bubas ’ and the ‘ serpentine disease ’ .
5 NOTICE is hereby given to all members of the Campaign for Real Ale Limited that the 1992 Annual General Meeting will be held at Bristol University , on Saturday April 11 and Sunday April 12 , 1992 .
6 To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if he plans to meet a delegation of members of the campaign for Clydeside against pollution .
7 Neither my right hon. Friend nor I have any plan to meet a delegation of members of the campaign for Clydeside against pollution .
8 They leak information about convoys to members of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament , resulting in convoys being disrupted and people 's lives being put in danger .
9 Members of the Campaign for Real Yorkshire were in Middlesbrough on Saturday gathering signatures on a petition .
10 there are many people and probably a few of you here tonight , who have been members of the Church for a long time .
11 What I liked about it was that though it was biting sarcasm , the way he spoke it gave you the impression not of a man who was bitter in any way , but of a man who pitied the members of the government for being so rotten and pitied us for being governed by such scum .
12 Easy credit to unprofitable industries was undermining the government 's economic policy , and there were calls from members of the government for the RCB to be freed from the control of the Supreme Soviet , as its unaccountability to government was hindering economic policy .
13 For example , the " library manager " reminded members of the procedures for ordering library stock , and reported arrangements for attending book exhibitions at County Library Headquarters and at the divisional library , while other members broached the subject of the need to develop audio-visual facilities within the school .
14 For successful students who possess at least two years ' relevant experience and have been members of the Institute for at least two years , the Banking Certificate leads to a qualification in its own right — the Cert .
15 The only disappointment of the evening was the lack of interest shown by the ordinary members of the Society for this event ; most of those who attended were spouses , friends , or colleagues of the committee .
16 Members of the Society for Socialist Inquiry and Propaganda had combined with the ILP Affiliation Committee ( dissentients from the QQradlord decision ) in founding the Socialist League .
17 I would like to take this opportunity of thanking my fellow officers , committee members , teachers and all members of the Society for their support during my six years as Honorary Treasurer and I would ask you all to support the new Treasurer with the same loyalty and enthusiasm ’ .
18 Last , but by no means least , a book collectively written by members of the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies ( 1982 ) provides a strong critique of the state of the sociology of ethnicity in Britain , focusing on white racism .
19 Both obligation and justification were , in the end , private , as it was with Casey and Buckley , or with members of the families for each other .
20 A general election in two rounds was held on June 5 and 12 , after which Rocard formed a new and mainly Socialist Party government on June 28 , but including also members of the Union for French Democracy ( Union pour la démocratie française — UDF ) grouping and the Left Radical Movement ( Mouvement des radicaux de gauche — MRG ) as well as a number of " technocratic " non-party members [ see pp. 36227-29 ] .
21 Each of the ten " tribe or constituencies chose , by lot , 50 people to serve as members of the council for a year , and those 50 would , within the council , act as a steering and administrative committee for a tenth of the year .
22 The USSR and its East European allies constituted the Warsaw Treaty Organisation , founded in 1955 and extended for twenty years in 1985 ; a somewhat larger group of states , including Cuba , Mongolia and Vietnam , were members of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance ( CMEA or Comecon ) .
23 At its meeting in January the Scottish Sports Council took the opportunity of paying tribute to their contribution as members of the Council for the past two years .
24 The East European members of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance ( CMEA or COMECON ) faced grave economic hardship as a result of a decision by the Soviet Union in July to cut oil exports .
25 Currently there are 110 members of the Council for a practising profession of 7,271 , and there are 5 committees with over 25 members !
26 This sets out the draft proposals and erm will after this meeting go to all members of the Council for them to go through with a toothcomb as well as you .
27 My Board colleagues and I are appreciative of all that has been achieved by Management and Staff during the past twelve months and I am immensely grateful to the Deputy Chairman and all Members of the Board for their unfailing support and co-operation during an eventful and , I believe , very successful year of operations .
28 Eagle Star has executed a form of indemnity in favour of the members of the Association for Payment Clearing Services .
29 It may appear harsh to criticize the Library Association for not pursuing possible cases of professional misconduct and it may seem even harsher to pillory members of the Association for putting personal interests first and professional interests second , but censorship , and being party to censorship .
30 Many of the signatories were associates of Mehdi Bazargan , the first Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic or , like Mohammadreza Nezameddin Mohaved , members of the Association for the Defence of Freedom and Sovereignty of the Iranian Nation , which was reportedly dissolved on 14 June 1990 .
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