Example sentences of "member of the [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 By then , of course , he and members of the WTA board knew that the tide of opposition was flowing strongly against them .
2 Southey was the first to subscribe to his etchings of 1813 , paying £1-5-0 , and on the same list are three members of the Lloyd family , including Charles .
3 Whenever I could , I went out , armed with my expensive binoculars , to see what I could find in the fields or to observe the coastal birds — puffins , with the splendid red , yellow and blue bills which they shed when the mating season is over ; cormorants nesting in colonies on ledges in the cliffs ; screeching gannets and all the members of the gull family .
4 Joan Felthouse indicated in her introductory comments that many members of the Animal Welfare Movement dislike being referred to as ‘ bunny huggers ’ .
5 Sir , — What is the world coming to when Joyce Church states that she feels ‘ nothing but admiration for the dedicated compassionate people ’ who are members of the Animal Liberation Front ( ALF ) .
6 The defendants , said in court to be members of the Animal Liberation Front , also face charges in connection with three arson attacks .
7 ‘ I have no doubt that we , and other members of the animal kingdom , live on .
8 In sum , there is no definitive answer to the question of how many senses there are : we have yet to discover all of our own , and even less do we know the full details of those enjoyed by some of the other members of the Animal Kingdom .
9 When or if other members of the EC move to a monetary union with a single currency , we will take our own unfettered decision on whether to join .
10 Six new publications focusing on various aspects of the new gallery will appear next year , written by members of the museum staff .
11 Faith in the building was one of the reasons that seven members of the museum staff chose to weather out the storm there instead of at home .
12 Both of these members of the Rubiaceae family are finding their way into good houseplant departments .
13 The next port of call is back in the town , where other members of the Ration Platoon will be busy collecting the day 's fresh fruit and vegetable order .
14 Several members of the Inspirals contingent are going to watch mud wrestling in some dodgy bar .
15 There has been a lot of anxiety about the issue since the major blast in the City of London in April , but we are happy to confirm that booksellers who are members of the BA scheme are covered .
16 Banners and chants were aimed at certain members of the Brockville board before the game and the team 's performance did little to soothe the ire of a post-match demonstration .
17 Hundens Lane resident Ian Haszeldine said members of the allotment association had taken a lot of criticism about the way their land was kept .
18 One half was crammed with snapshots of various adults and children , presumably all members of the Vaughan clan .
19 Government officials have agreed to recommend an accelerated phase-out of the main ozone-destroying chemicals by the end of 1995 to a ministerial meeting in Copenhagen in November of the 82 members of the Montreal Protocol .
20 The new arrivals — Parsons and Burchill on the staff , and Morley as a freelancer — were , at first , minor members of the NME oligarchy , but almost by default stamped the paper with an attitude that was almost entirely of their own creation .
21 Far from being a divisive arrival at the NME , the elder members of the NME staff were , according to Parsons , ‘ almost loving ’ towards the new punk writers , despite Parsons ' and Burchill 's reputations for being surly and unapproachable — it was , after all , they who smothered their corner of the NME office with barbed wire !
22 To others , for whom the signals of the year are equally important , progress is marked by that dramatic change in the lifestyle of the jays , the feathered brigands of many splendoured tints who are , for most of the year , the vocally irritable members of the crow family , shrieking at each other and at any intruder in their territory .
23 Bingo is still enjoyed on two Mondays per month with members of the Village Association committee acting as callers .
24 Two girls have been identified as possible youth members of the Village Association Committee but wish to attend the meetings during the discussion of relevant youth club business only .
25 Bingo is still enjoyed on two Mondays per month with members of the Village Association committee acting as callers .
26 The £10-£19 group also consisted predominantly of husbandmen , as often as not occupying the position of leading members of the village community , ‘ commonly made churchwardens , sidesmen , aleconners , now and then constables , and many times enjoy the name of headboroughs ’ .
27 Members of the unit blame lobbying by outsiders for the decision .
28 The preliminary findings of a congressional panel established to investigate the " October Surprise " allegation — the claim that members of the Reagan-Bush election campaign conspired to reap political advantage in the 1980 presidential election campaign by preventing the administration of the then ( Democratic ) President , Jimmy Carter , from obtaining the release of US hostages held in Iran — were released on July 1 by the panel 's head , Lee H. Hamilton , a Democratic representative for Indiana .
29 Even in death , some members of the Glencairn family could not forget that she had been a commoner and objected to her burial in the vault .
30 A judicial investigation implicated three members of the Caldas Battalion of the army .
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