Example sentences of "hold to [be] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But , as we all know , Bellamy was in Tasmania to aid the Tasmanian Wilderness society in its battle against the damming of the Gordon River , which the society holds to be in contravention of the area 's classification as a world heritage site .
2 Nevertheless they were held to be in contempt but , the strike having collapsed , no penalty was imposed .
3 But breaches of the injunction continued and the union officials were held to be in contempt , the union being fined £50,000 with sequestration of assets to follow , if needed .
4 Several unions were held to be in contempt , were fined and had their assets sequestrated .
5 The circumstances which imposed on Midland Bank the duty of which it was held to be in breach are not apparent from the report .
6 In the event neither the manager nor the owners were held to be in breach of duty .
7 In this case , a sale of tins of condensed milk bearing labels which infringed a registered trade mark , was held to be in breach of the implied condition of merchantibility ( per Bankes LJ at p395 ) : Quality includes the state or condition of the goods .
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