Example sentences of "hold on to the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I 'll stay with you and hold on to the guns .
2 You sit on the saddle and try and keep your balance and hold on to the handlebars .
3 And hold on to the bundles ! ’
4 Holding on to the railings , he moved down the passage between the church and the presbytery .
5 Miss Phoebe gave her head a slight shake , holding on to the arms of her chair as if it would save her from drowning .
6 We watched her sway away holding on to the rails , her high curls shining , her figure neat , her intense musky scent lingering like a memory in the air after she herself had gone .
7 And then she was holding on to the branches , feeling where the Robemaker had hacked and sawn at them , knowing she must be hurting the Larch even more , and trying to be as gentle as possible .
8 From the behavioural point of view , the principal male characteristic is sadistic sexual egoism , since is it clear that only the male who is capable of driving off his rivals can hold on to the females of the breeding group .
9 After a little while , Oliver was so cold that he could n't hold on to the banisters any more .
10 It was less passive and more assertive , determined to hold on to the powers it had reclaimed from the executive in both foreign and domestic policy .
11 It may have become apparent to the counsellor that counsellees are ‘ locked ’ into feelings which are affecting the way they are leading their lives , but are apparently more content to hold on to the feelings than to resolve the difficulties which arise from them .
12 Pop had bought a large inflated life jacket for me to wear in case of our ship being sunk , in which case you were all to hold on to the cords round my waist , and he would swim round and act as a watchdog !
13 When that happened , the others , those whose canoes sank , tried to hold on to the canoes that were still afloat .
14 Indeed there is now an incentive to hold on to the assets because if such assets are retained until death they receive a capital gains tax-free uplift ( TCGA 1992 , s62(1) ) .
15 Both Mr Porter and Mr Graham expect the NIE issue to very popular , with many local investors keen to hold on to the shares so that they can qualify for the discount vouchers will entitle them to money off their electricity bills .
16 By holding on to that possession , the people of this country would be able to hold on to the banners of freedom .
17 We should be fighting to hold on to the playgrounds we have , so our children have a safe environment in which to play .
18 Here 's an imag-inary line-up Leeds might be fielding now if they 'd held on to the stars they rejected .
19 The police explained why they 'd held on to the vehicles which were being kept near Malvern , not at Worcester .
20 The field is led by Miró with a rise of 1090% one of the few artists to have held on to the gains of the 1988–90 period .
21 The merchants had the cash , but the weakening aristocracy held on to the reins of government .
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