Example sentences of "hold [prep] be the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Thus one may ( first stage ) read the meaning of scripture out of it , and then ( second stage ) apply what one holds to be the golden thread to another situation , not considered in the scriptures .
2 In this way he saw that Man was truly made in the Image of God : ‘ The primary Imagination I hold to be the living power and prime agent of all human perception , and as a repetition in the finite mind of the eternal act of creation in the infinite I AM ’ ( Biographia Literaria , xiii ) .
3 Rodrigo was yet but a youth , and the Count was a mighty man in arms , one who gave his voice first in the Cortes , and was held to be the best in the war , and so powerful that he had a thousand friends among the mountains .
4 Several had considered maths or engineering , or both ; maths was generally dismissed as ‘ too theoretical ’ , while engineering was dismissed as ‘ too applied ’ : physics was held to be the perfect happy medium — applied enough to be ‘ relevant ’ ( a favourite adjective amongst both the science and the arts students ) , but theoretical enough to be stimulating and demanding .
5 The cause of the accident was held to be the unsafe system of work used by the plaintiff 's employers rather than use of the premises .
6 These lines , said Tolkien , ‘ have been held to be the finest expression of the northern heroic spirit , Norse or English ; the clearest statement of the doctrine of uttermost endurance in the service of indomitable will ’ .
7 DEC is widely held to be the largest foreign computer company in the country , although IBM Corp 's turnover is unknown .
8 CD4+ T cells are normally held to be the principal source of this mediator and the higher proportion of γ-interferon producing cells we found among lamina propria lymphocytes compared with intra epithelial lymphocytes is consistent with the relative numbers of CD4+ T cells in these sites .
9 It is important to remember that if one act is held to be the sole cause of the damage and that act is one of the plaintiff , then the plaintiff will recover nothing .
10 Long held to be the leading contemporary poet of Wales , the ideas that have occupied Thomas 's attention throughout his writing career of some forty-six years are represented by fourteen essays chosen by Sandra Anstey .
11 The fights of women ( held to be the main culprits ) who take their grumbles to outsiders provide an opportunity for these outsiders to bewitch the entire lineage .
12 As there are many dipterocarps at Sepilok , the rarity of food plants there is held to be the main reason for the greater home range and lower population density compared with P. melalophos at Kuala Lompat : the home range is some 70–84ha compared with 31.5 .
13 Motor vehicles and coal-fired power stations are held to be the main offenders .
14 For some the internal growth of firms is held to be the dominant force , with merger activity playing a distinctly secondary role [ Prais , 1976 ; Hart and Clarke , 1980 ] , whilst others hold that the opposite is the case [ Hannah and Kay , 1977 ] .
15 In the ultimate resort also , the association of a constituency must be held to be the proper exponent of its wishes . "
16 The system , including the computer programs , was held to be the proper subject matter of a patent because the programs were embodied in physical form ; they were " hard-wired " , permanently embedded in the electronic circuits of the equipment .
17 This was held to be the wrong approach by the House of Lords .
18 Sadism and masochism are usually held to be the opposite sides to the same coin , the one being merely an inversion of the state of mind which produces the other .
19 The benefit to be assessed on teachers at Malvern College in respect of their children 's education there was held to be the marginal cost to the school of providing the education , less any contribution the teachers made .
20 Robert Rogers comments on what is commonly held to be the widespread use of metaphor among schizophrenics .
21 ISAM-XA , an X/Open-compliant resource manager for those wishing to access transaction processing monitors from data held in indexed sequential file systems — despite all the noise , relational still accounts for only 10% of data — is held to be the brightest hope for the future .
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