Example sentences of "large group [prep] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The largest groups of persons registered as suffering from general handicap are those who suffer from organic nervous diseases , which include polio , multiple sclerosis , epilepsy , and so on .
2 A total of 12 women were elected , seven of them JSP candidates ; this was the third largest group of women elected to the lower house since 1945 .
3 The largest group of laboratory made dental polymers are those used as denture bases .
4 The largest group of immigrants came from within a 5-mile radius , but almost as many came from 5–10 miles and as many again from beyond 20 miles ; only half this number came from between 10 and 20 miles .
5 Police were put on alert in case larger groups of demonstrators joined in .
6 Some of the larger groups of Munros demand personal route planning , since the permutations of how one may bag them are endless .
7 Larger groups of brooches characterise the second , overlapping , phase c .
8 Quite different in feel are the sculptures on show until the end of the month at the Beaubourg gallery : two large groups of figures executed by the painter Pierre Klossowski , here on show for the first time , entitled ‘ Roberte aux barres parallèles ’ and ‘ Monsieur de Max et Mademoiselle Glissant ’ , portrayed in the roles of Diana and Actaeon .
9 ‘ When I drive through the town on a night I see large groups of youths standing around on street corners .
10 Large groups of people become so fascinated with the internal workings of their own organization that they are continually tinkering with it .
11 In July and August large groups of children stay in the hotel .
12 In demonstrations of searches , it is essential to ensure that the audience can actually see the search being carried out — all too often one sees a large group of students clustered round a single teletype terminal .
13 Corelli 's slow movements are noble pieces and they have a gravity which is served well by a large group of instruments favouring a notably slower tempo than has recently become the fashion .
14 As he walked through the centre of the town he saw a large group of navvies sauntering across the wide market square , whistling at the women and calling out to any particularly young or good-looking girls — or those of any age who were careless enough to throw a smile in their direction .
15 For example , Andreasen and her colleagues asked a large group of psychiatrists to compare the written productions of two creative writers , including James Joyce , with those of psychotics and , without being given any other information , to try to reach a diagnosis .
16 A large group of mourners had also gathered outside the 13th-century church of St Mary the Virgin in the Northamptonshire village of Great Brington .
17 These themes were summarized and developed by a large group of contributors writing for the Black Papers between the late 1960s and mid 1970s , which had a considerable impact on educational debates , and indeed on public policy .
18 A large group of men passed through the carriage .
19 One large group of negatives had apparently been taken at a fancy dress party organised by the Duke of Devonshire — over 100 guests had been photographed , most of them with different background settings .
20 There is only one other large group of people defined in Britain as civil servants that is concerned with the implementation of the social policies discussed in this book , and that is those involved in the employment services .
21 Attempts at mediation by officials , including Kirghizia 's Prime Minister Apas Dzhumagulov , broke down when a large group of Kirghiz arrived , whereupon the Uzbeks rushed the cordon of around 900 police officers keeping the rival nationalities apart .
22 A larger group of people stand on the outskirts surveying the spectacle and we join them .
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