Example sentences of "while she [be] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 And while she 's on the job , she 'd better look round for a well-born filly for Timothy to marry .
2 Round the centre of rotation it to the spoke while she 's up the other spoke .
3 " I 'm … staying in Veronica 's place for now , while she 's in the States . "
4 Her actions are unquestionably deedy ; they bear no theoretical burden , unlike Kirillov 's suicide ; they run deeper — while she is on the job — than the paper person in her , and they make a rigid , final opposing of the profane midwife and the God-seeking husband academic and quite inadequate to the novel .
5 But while she is on the beach with her pup , she can not feed .
6 and she went across the road for something and while she was across the road Mrs came and was talking to that man .
7 Two years ago Mrs Ayers went next door to feed Ivy 's cat while she was at the hairdressers when she disturbed burglars at work .
8 Her tougher aspect emerged while she was on the staff of the Sun in 1970 , when she led 30 women journalists in the ‘ Battle of Campari Creek ’ at El Vino 's on Fleet Street .
9 A COMPUTER expert was sacked when he handcuffed himself to his woman boss while she was on the phone to a customer .
10 While she was on the train she was safe .
11 The best he could hope for was to see Helen a bit while she was on the rebound … but maybe …
12 It would be so much easier to get things done while she was on the spot .
13 teapot while she was on the toilet .
14 Clare died the next morning , and while she was on the life support machine , although she was n't conscious , I promised her I would never sell or loan out Southall .
15 ‘ Clare died on the next morning , and while she was on the life support machine , although she was n't conscious , I promised her I would never sell or loan out Southall . ’
16 The pains had begun while she was in the flat one morning soon after Brian had left for the hospital .
17 The truth is that Barbara loves being a grandmother but while she was in the White House she could n't be a proper one .
18 Friend never came while she was in the real world .
19 ‘ I believe your mother died while she was in the camp — I was sorry to hear that , ’ said Ruth .
20 I knew when to put the tape on , I could start it while she was in the bathroom , she did n't wander off while it was recording , and the machine could be underneath and out of sight . ’
21 While she was in the States , Fletcher also picked up a copy of Bodies Electric by Colin Harrison , which Bloomsbury will publish here later this year .
22 It would be so typical if Jenny missed her while she was in the booth .
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