Example sentences of "while they were [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Another favourite pastime was to chat up the girls from Directory Enquiries while they were getting phone numbers .
2 The first thing my livingstonii did was to develop white spot , unusual in cichlids and the more so in Mbuna , and it was while they were undergoing treatment in methylene blue that I started to learn what characters they can be .
3 While they were drinking tea , Joanna regaled them with her story of her stay in hospital and made it all seem a huge joke .
4 Paula asked the question which had preyed on her mind while they were drinking coffee from room service in Tweed 's suite .
5 He 'd nip out while they were watching television .
6 But that Saturday , feeling now surprisingly fit and with Brian 's enthusiastic encouragement , she could not help admitting while they were having lunch at the village pub afterwards that it was nice .
7 It was while they were having breakfast on the following morning that they saw a car pull up outside .
8 The possibility fascinated him from the beginning , from the moment Mr Evans walked into the kitchen while they were having breakfast their first morning and bared those loose teeth in what he probably thought was a smile .
9 She hunted in the bed for the ribbon that had come of her hair while they were making love .
10 There had been a moon when they 'd first arrived , but the clouds had come while they were chopping wood , and the rain while they 'd cooked dinner on the two little primus stoves .
11 The fact that my slimmers felt so much healthier encouraged them to continue on the diet while they were losing weight and it became clear that they had no intention of falling back in to their old habits .
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