Example sentences of "large [noun] [prep] [noun] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 If one could select those areas where there appears to be the largest proportion of sites which seem to have been affected , they are in Hampshire , Hertfordshire and north Kent , possibly indicating that they suffered the greatest disturbance .
2 There is , however , a large variety of killings which lie above that line but below the line demarcating murder : a killing in which D knew there was a risk of death , but was held not to have intended death or grievous bodily harm , would fall within involuntary manslaughter and might justify a high sentence ; whereas a killing in which D pushed a person during an argument in the street and the person fell backwards , cracking his head on the kerb and dying from a brain haemorrhage , might also fall within involuntary manslaughter and might justify a low sentence .
3 Such counter-examples have led some philosophers attracted to the logico-linguistic conception to take the audacious course which involves , in part , simply ignoring the very large part of consciousness which does not fall under the conception .
4 The large majority of employees whose tax is deducted at source under PAYE and are not sent an income tax return will be unaffected by the changes .
5 Miners , for example , maintained large families , 3.6 children in 1911 , despite the rapid general reduction in birthrate , and in the early twentieth century they were the only large category of workers whose families averaged over 3 .
6 Separate from these groups was the large mass of youth whose clothes were chain store versions of traditional styles .
7 Large groups of hotels which are linked by computer usually operate their own central reservation system .
8 When I was n't with the animals I spent hours playing with my favourite toy , a large piece of wood which I pretended was our horse , Dicks .
9 Yew ( Taxus baccata ) commonly occurs in the ash woods , and on the National Nature Reserve at Kingley Vale there are large stands of yew which support good populations of common species , particularly Great Tit , Coal Tit , Chaffinch and thrushes .
10 Elinor read the cards from two identical large vases of lilies which took up all the space on the dressing table .
11 Bangor 's 80-year-old Carnegie Library , situated in Hamilton Road , is in constant need of repair , with a large stock of books which can not be put on public display because of the limited floor space .
12 It is an important test , for impotence will not only be a poor recommendation of Community cohesion ; it could make it all the more difficult to stem the tide of bloody anarchy that could so easily engulf large tracts of Europe which we recently rejoiced to see set free .
13 On the western side , the impressive remains of the much later temple of Zeus Thanatos stand on foundation courses of large blocks of stone which look like Minoan masonry : certainly many of them have the distinctive Minoan ‘ mason 's marks ’ , the branch , the star and the trident , which supports this view .
14 It consisted of two large blocks of buildings which have now been converted into flats .
15 D. The upland farmers concentrate on keeping livestock , mainly on large areas of land which the farmers have left as rough grazing .
16 Erm and what it says on the blurb on the cover is that the power stations of England and Wales are surrounded by larg large areas of land which are often remote , uncultivated and undisturbed by man .
17 So , the first example is hunting ; animals have been hunted , especially for the purposes of shooting , for many years in this country and there is no doubt that there are large areas of countryside which have been preserved as a consequence of hunting .
18 The girl had not been seriously hurt in the shooting , suffering only a superficial wound , and police reports said that she was ‘ fortunately wearing a large quantity of underclothing which , no doubt , prevented a more serious wound ’ — which , unless the young lady 's underwear was armour-plated , must cast serious doubt on the power of the weapon employed .
19 Billions , into a deficit erm that there are large the problem we 're looking at now is these very large transfer of assets which people feel that they built up with their contributions and whether that 's right or not .
20 So we travelled west from Maralal to the Cheranganis — a large range of mountains which include Nakugen Peak ( 11,580ft. /350m ) , the fourth highest mountain in Kenya .
21 The district benefited from the fact that it had comparative information on performance from a large range of providers which enabled them to take a more detached view of the strengths and weaknesses of its own unit , even though it also increased the complexity of contracting .
22 ‘ The recording is of a large group of females which meet up every day to socialise , ’ he said .
23 There is also a large group of words which can refer to either sex — words like driver and friend ; they are said to have ‘ common gender ’ , and the question of concord is decided in each specific instance ( that is , driver will sometimes be she , other times he ; there is also the problem of the unspecified , generic driver , the appropriate pronoun for whom is a major linguistic headache for today 's speakers ) .
24 When the ringleaders were captured they were tried by a special Assize Commission in Chichester in January 1749 ; judges and witnesses were protected by troops of soldiers who were also detailed to prevent a feared rescue attempt by large bands of smugglers which did not materialise .
25 His wife , Janie , whom he married in 1879 , abetted by her mother , persuaded him after three years of matrimony during which he was in the coasting trade , to settle permanently ashore , helping him to open , first a " cook-shop " and then a larger business in Sunderland which became known as " Wilson 's Temperance Hotel and Dining Rooms " .
26 The Riverside Theatre wardrobe contains a large selection of costumes which are available for hire .
27 All his dealings had been with himself and that larger self of family which had been thrown together by marriage or accident : he had never been able to go out from his shell of self .
28 As he did so , the large puddle of perspiration which had accumulated around his body on the rubber sheet of the bed , slopped on to the floor .
29 Some children get worried or feel uncomfortable because they fail to chew and then try to swallow large lumps of food which cause them to gag and vomit .
30 Caterpillars produce fairly large quantities of droppings which collect at the bottom of the cage .
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