Example sentences of "something that [is] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And quite seriously , Miss Rona Stevens answered sotto voce in between her serving , ‘ Oh , it 's in their eyes : kind of a troubled , searching look , like … well , like something that 's escaped from a cage . ’
2 No , it 's not something that 's done in the sewers !
3 Obviously , it 's something that 's gon na develop , and er , as times does on , more and more issues are gon na be referred to this committee .
4 You were going to look at ways of classifying the short stories you 've been looking at , when y , sort of , to look at similarities between short stories , like which ones deal with husband and wife relationships , which ones are about loneliness , I mean , use your paper , it 's it 's only there for scrap paper , you have n't got to produce something that 's gon na be pinned up on the wall .
5 And shyness is something that 's linked to self-assurance , already mentioned in Chapter Four .
6 And , and really erm , develop something new , something that 's going to be more equal , something that wo n't discriminate against men and something that er , that is n't associated with with some more ridiculous aspects of
7 ‘ And there 's really an advantage in having a layman on something that 's going to be a bit convoluted .
8 Is that something that 's going to be more important in the future ?
9 Now Bobby , you 're coming to join us here in Oxford next week for the press launch for something that 's happening in April — tell us about that .
10 Clearly , stress has linguistic importance and is therefore an aspect of the phonology of English that must be described , but it is not usually regarded as something that is related to individual segmental phonemes ; normally , stress is said to be something that is applied to ( or is a property of ) syllables , and is therefore part of the suprasegmental phonology of English .
11 She had something that is gone from the world , from the female world .
12 The Sufis have an explanation for this eternal something that is discerned by the mystics and can also be discerned by anyone who wants to develop his emotions .
13 Speaking very broadly , such effort is simply the attempt to connect something that is given with something other than itself .
14 A final possibility is that individuals sometimes cope with difficulties by self-narcotising ; this is something that is done on a fairly wide scale by man .
15 And Jesus saying this this this this salvation is not something that you do , it 's something that is done within you !
16 Clearly , stress has linguistic importance and is therefore an aspect of the phonology of English that must be described , but it is not usually regarded as something that is related to individual segmental phonemes ; normally , stress is said to be something that is applied to ( or is a property of ) syllables , and is therefore part of the suprasegmental phonology of English .
17 For this reason , something that is accepted as a satisfactory causal explanation at one point in time can become problematic at another .
18 But a Custom Blend , something that is made for you in every aspect of the product , is obviously going to be better .
19 When writers say that intonation has accentual function they imply that the placement of stress is something that is determined by intonation .
20 Chopin was the only important composer who thought entirely in terms of the piano , whereas it was always essential for me to perceive piano music as a receptacle for all music possibilities — orchestral , vocal , you name it — and not something that is geared towards a certain vintage of a certain instrument .
21 And again this is n't my opinion , it is something that is demonstrated by the traffic predictions which have been produced by the County Council .
22 Er I 'm not sure in in the case of the the example you 've given of the arising in Greater York that the question of a regional sop shopping centre would arise because that is not necessarily something that is generated within Greater York .
23 It needs to be something that is talked about in the same way that racism and sexism are talked about .
24 this states categorically ‘ … design is not something that is added as an afterthought ’ , Which just confirms to me in my opinion that I am no designer !
25 Karajan would give that fantasist all the freedom he needed because he knew that what appeals to an audience is something arising out of the immediate performance , out of something that is happening within the mind of the musician at that moment .
26 I have witnessed many occasions when foreigners have unintentionally caused misunderstanding or even offence in speaking to an English person , but can remember very few occasions when this could be attributed to ‘ using the wrong intonation ’ except when a mistake caused a difference in apparent grammatical meaning ( something that is dealt with in the next chapter ) .
27 They want something that is going to be reliable .
28 It needs to be reiterated that the brahmacārya vow is what is required of those men who choose to become satyāgrahis and not something that is required of all men .
29 If the present , our present , has a place in the novel , it is as something that is looked to and not seen ; we do not exist .
30 The provision of free education up to University level is something that is taken for granted .
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