Example sentences of "something [that] be [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Where what you do is take something , that is capable of doing that , and you take something that 's capable of doing that , and you join them together , and between them you get so much more than they could do individually .
2 A lot of what has been said about make up has been very negative its to disguise or improve , its also an expression of er inner identity and its not something that 's new to the twentieth century , its something that we 've been doing you know since the beginning of time with war paint and what not .
3 This is the Lyricist Lounge , where twice a month aspiring rappers run new rhymes past each other in something that 's closer to an old school jam than to videogenic 1992 hip hop .
4 Yes something that 's good about it very good .
5 You want something that 's universal for the first one .
6 It 's something that 's important for the press .
7 Now that 's something that 's difficult for us to do , because the more dangerous , the more erm , the premises should present the greatest life risk , are not necessarily the ones over which we have strict legislative control .
8 Would you accept that there is an element of us all preferring something that is further away from us than something that is nearer to .
9 This is something that is necessary for world peace and stability . ’
10 It may occur that Jenny write , writes something that is appropriate to T G I .
11 Something that is general by definition can not be a specialty .
12 Are the Government prepared for the industrial coal market to disappear , something that is implicit in the Rothschild report ?
13 How something that is good for the company will be good for them .
14 Our study of the parallelism of greater precision has alerted us to something that is true of Hebrew poetry generally .
15 But in any case if , as was argued in Chapter 1 , companies should be viewed as social enterprises , that is , they should be understood as vehicles for the promotion of the general good , then a requirement that managers should comply with publicly articulated decision- making standards , and that mechanisms should exist visibly to test compliance with them , should be regarded as something that is desirable in itself .
16 For if you look at them you will not see something that is common to all , but similarities , relationships , and a whole series of them at that …
17 Now , as I say , poetic boasting is , in a way , something that is common to both Pope and Milton .
18 Perhaps by contemplating you will find something that is wrong in your proposition … dig the gold and look at the country , but we can not give you the country you ask for .
19 They do something that is hard for them , not natural .
20 You know , maybe I 'm not giving that much away , erm , it 's constant reinforcement for something that is important to me .
21 Providing something that is high on most corporate users ' wish lists , Hewlett-Packard Co has come up with an SQL-based interface that can read and update data in a non-relational network database , and reckons it is the first vendor to do so .
22 Sometimes members of a family look for something that is convenient to them or that will solve their own feelings of guilt , rather than giving weight to the elderly person 's own strong preferences .
23 People find her inspiring because she expresses something that is sophisticated beyond the clothing .
24 One heard of them , normally , only in the context of addiction — something that was rife in the lowest levels of the City .
25 Both of them , she felt , had simultaneously decided that they must be alone to talk — something that was impossible at home without arousing unwelcome curiosity .
26 A dwelling unit , nothing more , something that was right for a girl that was alone , right for a girl who lived without a man .
27 Now it was something that was full of words and invisible pictures and machines whizzing around .
28 ‘ Well … it 's just that I always wanted to die clutching something that was near to the earth .
29 I said I was confident that the Government would come back from Maastricht with something that was acceptable to the Conservative party .
30 The Doctor would pace around , shaking his head , trying to say something that was stuck in his throat .
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