Example sentences of "much of [art] [noun sg] had " in BNC.

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1 Well she 'd not had much of a life had she ?
2 How much of a problem had the noise been ?
3 How much of the plan had Aunt Louise understood ?
4 But Kingfisher director , Mr Archie Norman , said he had total confidence in brokers Phillips and Drew , despite the fact that much of the trading had been done through them .
5 At best , he would now only send fresh generals against the Christian force ; but even after El Cid 's death , much of the heart had gone out of the Moorish invaders .
6 When Mushtaq added Lamb 's wicket , lbw to a straightish one which hardly left the ground , much of the heart had been taken from England 's line-up , and the lead was a mere 99 , five down .
7 A big reason was that much of the slump had been caused by the doubling of oil prices in 1973 ; as the shock was absorbed , growth picked up .
8 Much of the hay had already been stacked , but it all seemed quite safe .
9 In parts of the West Country and the South , much of the land had been enclosed long before the fifteenth century , whereas in some of the northern counties the movement did not get under way until late in the sixteenth .
10 Much of the conversation had focused on the disastrous and pathetic effect upon the family of the civil unrest in Belfast and its function was plainly cathartic ; many recordings resembled therapy sessions more closely than sociolinguistic field tapes .
11 Much of the ice had vanished .
12 Whatever information Mark received from Peter , it is certain that , by the time he wrote his finished Gospel , development and adaptation of much of the material had taken place .
13 By midnight , much of the cast had drifted off to bed in twos and threes .
14 Much of the stonework had become coated with a black layer of gypsum ( calcium sulphate ) and soot , while the lower levels of the façade are also affected by salt and nitrates which are causing severe damage .
15 When we finally did make it back to the ground , palpitating and soaked with sweat , there was no sign of Ranteallo , and much of the crowd had already dispersed on its way back to the Rante .
16 The fact of the matter is that in terms of setting up some kind of economic common market , much of the groundwork had already been done .
17 ‘ PW felt , rightly , that much of the information had already been given to the Bank …
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