Example sentences of "much of [Wh det] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A wealth of legends and folk tales has been recorded , much of which relates to particular sites in the countryside .
2 During his long life , Eric Jones-Evans built up an impressive collection , much of which relates to his idol , Henry Irving .
3 Bernstein and Reynolds give a very full treatment of the subject , much of which turns on the interpretation of provisions in commercial leases .
4 The Earth and the oceans absorb much of the carbon compounds , much of which combines with calcium and magnesium to become limestone , which holds much of the CO 2 .
5 The Glyndyfrdwy Extension , two miles in length opened on Good Friday following a twelve month construction period , costing nearly £200,000 , much of which came from a consortium of the Wales Tourist Board , Welsh Development Agency , Clwyd and Glyndwr councils .
6 The electricity bill is due soon , and she expects it to be about £70 , much of which came from her washing machine working through the day cleaning her daughters ' clothes .
7 In addition to the serious and much publicised problem of badger baiting and digging , much of which occurs in my own county , and sett stopping , there is the appalling road-kill statistic of some 47,500 badgers a year .
8 This is the essence of folklore , much of which consists of stories and legends about sites , both natural and artificial , in the countryside .
9 Many of the sounds we hear emanating from insects , for example , are only the bottom end of a spectrum of sound signals much of which lie above the auditory frequencies to which our ears are attuned .
10 MTV and the advent of satellite — so much of which relies on cheap pop programming — also signals for many countries the Americanization of youth culture , and one way to indicate national resistance is to originate your own music television — which they all do these days .
11 At Sunbury , XTP 's activities are directed towards helping the business add value by early and expert use of technology — much of which originates from outside in the contractors , competitors , and at BPX sites .
12 I remind the Minister that we also have some excellent Welsh lamb , much of which comes from my constituency in the Vale of Glamorgan .
13 The findings showed that nine out of 10 people were concerned about pollution caused by carbon dioxide and sulpher dioxide emissions , much of which comes from burning coal and oil .
14 Ian Hodder and Clive Orton discuss analyses of randomness in settlement patterns , as well as various uniform and clustered patterns , much of which rests on ‘ nearest neighbour ’ analysis .
15 Much of what happens to you professionally , or with regard to your major aims , is subject to the actions of others .
16 Steady progress over the last four decades has brought us to a point where much of what happens in primary education is a source of pride .
17 Nostalgia for the good old , bad old days gives much of what passes for working class culture in the 1980's , its peculiarly sentimental cast .
18 Much of what passes for creativity is flashy or fashionable , or relies on advertising industry in-jokes .
19 Such questions are not only perennially interesting ; answers to them are presupposed by much of what counts as human knowledge .
20 None of them , of course , anticipated the scale of the problems which were caused by the slump and collapse of much of what remained of inner urban manufacturing industry in the early 1980s .
21 Although it appears to be grammatically linked to the remainder of the subsection , it is not qualified by much of what appears before it .
22 Looking further ahead , he added : ‘ Much of what matters for Courtaulds in the next century will be decided between now and 1995 — what kind of company we 're going to be and what the balance between the businesses will be . ’
23 Much of what matters for Courtaulds in the next century — what kind of company we 're going to be and what the balance between the businesses should be — will be decided between now and 1995 .
24 Much of what happened with the ascendency of the radical Right in British politics was predicted in at least one prescient article ( Leonard , 1979 ) .
25 Despite the lack of studies , much of what follows in this book derives from the application of theories of play to the study of reading .
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