Example sentences of "much [pers pn] [verb] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ To tell you the truth , I had n't realised quite how much I 'd got in the habit of the kind of organised chaos we worked under at St Margaret 's .
2 He would then enquire how much I 'd paid for the latest irreparable objects , and if it had been 20p or less he 'd say , with satisfaction , ‘ Well , at least it had a decent plug ’ , and the decent plug would go into the decent plug box .
3 I 've said how much I like programming from a simple map printed on top of this type of unit ( BOSS 's ME-6 and ME-10 operate in a similar way ) , and the A4 really could n't be simpler .
4 ‘ Will you tell her how much I 've worried about her ? ’ asked Harry .
5 and er see how much I 've got to , lay it down then
6 There 's so much I want to share with you , min kaere : so much I want to show you , and not only in bed … ’
7 If you only knew how much I long to come with you now , she thought .
8 There are so many great young designers there now and everyone knows just how much I love shopping for clothes , ’ said Kylie .
9 ‘ I just do n't know how much I have left in this head , these legs and my heart . ’
10 As we got nearer my mum would be saying how much she enjoyed coming to Highfields .
11 It was a four-poster bed , like the one in the guest-room — that much she had realised during the night — but the room itself was bigger , with a balcony beyond double french doors with pots of geraniums on it .
12 How much she had learned from him .
13 She reflected on how much she had changed since the last festival , less than seven weeks ago .
14 She did not realise how much she had changed since becoming Lady Lassiter .
15 During 1991 she became aware of just how much she had changed by her commitment to her friend Adrian Ward-Jackson when he was dying of AIDS .
16 she 'll get it by hook or by crook , that 's on the , wonder she 's not in jail though for not paying I heard how many time , how much she 's borrowed over Christmas , for at , for , for er , what they call it as well you know er , what they call it Beverley her daughter
17 No man wants to come home from the war to a wife or sweetheart who shows in her face how much she has worried about him .
18 It is obviously a very exciting project for us though , and it will allow Kylie to show just how much she has developed over the past three years .
19 And at the end of it all , realising how much she has contributed to and gained from this greatest of all creative acts , she proclaims that she is Myself , Myself .
20 On the course , she stands out for her softly , rather than aggressively , spiked hair , a finish with the driver which , like Arnold Palmer 's , tells you precisely how much she has given to the shot , and an unusually generous attitude towards the opposition .
21 Walking towards the station , having promised to bring back with her all sorts of expensive food items Tina had requested from Selfridges ' Food Hall , Cecilia thought how much she liked living on her own and that at seventy-six she was too old to have Jasper and Bienvida running around her , fond of them as she was , not to mention Tina 's boyfriends and the odd hours she kept and her lying in bed till noon .
22 I mean they 're not gon na have any information of how much you 've produced over and above your tax .
23 Then test yourself on how much you 've learned about the way your particular machine works .
24 I always know how much you 've had from your farts . ’
25 ‘ I assume you made it worth her while in other ways , but obviously I failed to discover from her own fair lips how much you thought she was worth , and I 'm damned sure you wo n't admit how much you 've paid over the odds for her favours . ’
26 with Mr but what I thought I 'd do today is see how much you 've remembered of one or two of the basic topics .
27 I 've got to have something that I can mark , to the representative marks that show your , your ability and how much you 've put into it .
28 ‘ You like it so much you agreed to sail across the Mediterranean , with a man you 'd only met a couple of times , regardless of the fact that you did n't know one end of a boat from the other . ’
29 generated or whatever , who do you wish to pay to , and we have four erm electricity board , the gas board , the er er er credit card and the , ca n't remember what the fourth one is , you simply say I wan na pay number four how much do you wish to pay to the Royal Bank of Scotland and you say how much you wish to pay in , er in pence and it immediately says you wish to pay blah blah blah it will be done .
30 How much you get depends on how long you have worked for the employer and the accrued rate at which the pension builds up .
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