Example sentences of "hand and [verb] [pron] to " in BNC.

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1 There were three soldiers for every nun ; they tied our hands and took us to a small room , two soldiers pushing each nun .
2 He came to her , taking her hands and drawing her to her feet , just standing there looking down at her as she found herself quite incapable of resisting .
3 She took one of his hands and pressed it to the bodice of her gown .
4 ‘ God , you 're beautiful , ’ he muttered fiercely , holding one breast in his hands and raising it to his mouth .
5 He took both Karen 's hands and pulled her to her feet .
6 He grabbed at my hands and held them to his chest and begged me not to say such a thing .
7 Kate took one of her mother 's hands and held it to her cheek , but her mother promptly sat up a little straighter .
8 He reached for her hand and brought it to his lips .
9 And she took the child by the hand and walked her to the settle , and when they were seated she looked at the small figure by her side , at the hair , like a golden halo round the oval face , and the limpid grey eyes gazing so trustfully at her .
10 She knew how to win that competition , too : when he reached through to her the fourth or fifth time , she did what she had often dreamt of doing before : kneeling up against the wall , she guided his hand and put it to her breast .
11 I accepted Benjamin 's words but , when I questioned him on why I should wear it , he just smiled , waved a bony hand and told me to be patient .
12 He took her hand and raised it to his lips , his eyes never leaving her face .
13 She was afraid she might have a problem getting rid of him — not altogether sure she wanted to — but in the lobby he merely took her hand and raised it to his lips .
14 Now , My Lady , ’ he took her cold hand and raised it to his lips , ‘ I bid you adieu .
15 Maggie looked so glad that he took her hand and raised it to his lips , kissing each finger as his eyes held hers .
16 She frowned for a moment , then picked up my hand and led me to the window .
17 He took her hand and led her to the open-air dance-floor just as the band slipped into the first of their slow numbers .
18 Alexander took her hand and led her to the door that led out on to the path that wound down towards the beach .
19 And she took his hand and led him to the bed .
20 Ken bought him a train ticket , put some cash in his hand and took him to a nearby restaurant
21 Luke smiled again , reaching across the few inches of space Fran had managed to leave between them to catch her hand and raise it to his lips as he pressed a lovingly tender kiss to her fingertips .
22 Ruth nodded her agreement and he put out his hand and pulled her to her feet .
23 ’ He clasped her hand and pulled her to his car .
24 Artemis , down on her knees , just turned round and stared for a moment , before Rosie took her hand and pulled her to her feet .
25 Patrick grasped her hand and pulled her to him .
26 Travis closed his eyes in pain for a second , and then almost as if he could n't help himself he reached out a hand and pulled her to him , pressing a kiss on her hair .
27 She almost wept with relief as his strong fingers closed round her hand and guided her to the safety of a broad platform of stone , where at last it was possible to stand upright .
28 She took his hand and guided him to her clitoris .
29 As he spoke , he was drawing back slightly , capturing her hand and carrying it to tumescent flesh pulsing with vigorous life .
30 She met me with a friendly smile , shook my hand and introduced me to the class : ‘ This is Wanda , our new pupil who has come to live in our village .
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