Example sentences of "hand [verb] [adv] on the " in BNC.

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1 Scott brought his hand crashing down on the desk top , his face pale with rage , the vein at his temple throbbing .
2 Hal Shepherd stood at the turn of the road , his hands resting lightly on the low stone wall , looking down at the row of cottages and the bay beyond .
3 Alyssia looked at the unsmiling profile , the strong hands resting lightly on the steering-wheel , and wished that she had never allowed herself to confide in him .
4 He could just see Hasan , sitting , as usual , quite still , his hands resting lightly on the desk in front of him .
5 Her escort lounges in the driving seat , one hand laid casually on the wheel , the other engaged in smoothing back his hair in a relaxed manner belied by the slightly puzzled looks he flicks sideways at her .
6 Her arm tightened around him , her other hand resting loosely on the shoulders of another singer .
7 ‘ Mach helped me , ’ he said , watching her closely now , his hand resting loosely on the gun in his pocket .
8 He moved closer , into the dimness of the stall itself , and stood there beside her , his hand resting gently on the horse 's flank .
9 From the fact that the whaler was lying stopped in the water and that Cousteau , his hand resting idly on the tiller , appeared to be expressing no great degree of interest in anything , it was obvious that his wait had been a vain one , a fact he confirmed on his arrival on the bridge .
10 Rune 's hands moved soothingly on the cool flesh of her arms , demanding her confidence .
11 Evans 's heavy hand smacked down on the small man 's shoulder .
12 Ward 's left hand crashed down on the table , spilling coffee from the cup he had just filled .
13 Then her hand clenched involuntarily on the gate and she jumped , a startled murmur on her lips , glancing down at her finger where a splinter had pierced the skin .
14 At this , her hands crashed down on the keys and she jerked forward , saying , ‘ Do n't do that , Daddy , please . ’
15 The sharp sound of Sister Mary 's hand banging down on the square of writing paper stopped the chanting .
16 Light from the desk-lamp fell on his hands spread out on the blue blotting-paper , thin hands with thin fingers , only half the size they would become .
17 His chump hand came down on the desk , giving her a point of focus .
18 — ’ Her hand flopped down on the sheet .
19 Li Shai Tung 's hands rested lightly on the table 's edge , the now-empty bowl he had been eating from placed to one side , out of his way .
20 They approached him at a steady pace as though unconcerned by his presence , but they went in single file , Allen with his hand lying lightly on the knife at his belt and Marian carrying her bow , strung , and with an arrow ready notched , lightly and inconspicuously in her left hand .
21 Your leading hand slaps down on the punch as you simultaneously punch over the top and into the opponent 's face .
22 Plymouth on the other hand relies mainly on the fact that it 's a m urban conurbation with a growing and diversified industrial and commercial base .
23 He leaned forward with his hands clasped together on the table .
24 He did n't answer and shortly afterwards he slowed for a right-hand bend , his body bent forward , the dummy hand clamped tight on the steering wheel .
25 She pushed the microphone aside , and began to speak in a firm voice , used to public speaking , hands leaning forward on the table , one occasionally raised to emphasise a point .
26 And in that flare and roar of lightning , Cardiff saw a hideous face straining to look directly at him as huge and ravaged claws that had once been hands thrashed inwards on the brick face of the basement , seeking purchase .
27 His hands row gently on the plunger
28 She knelt next to him , her hands beating furiously on the mattress .
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