Example sentences of "mr [noun prp] [be] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Coleby was standing right on the step .
2 Mr Arafat is canvassing Arab support for the deal on Palestinian self-rule in the West Bank and Gaza Strip , mutual recognition by the PLO and Israel , and immediate Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and Jericho .
3 He believes Mr Mitterrand is using Tory disarray over the treaty to cover up his own reluctance to reach a Gatt world trade deal .
4 Wearing his now familiar Russian-style hat and white Ulster Protestant Volunteer sash , Mr Paisley was carried shoulder-high through the town hall 's main entrance to ‘ meet his people ’ .
5 Mr Gorbachev is resisting centrifugal pressure , but leaving the door open for future change in party 's status .
6 A quarter of a century later , when Mr Gorbachev was feeling reform-minded , it was a head of department at TSEMI , Stanislav Shatalin , who drafted the ‘ 500-day plan ’ , a proposal for sweeping free-market reforms .
7 After discussion it was proposed by Mr Ken Lucas , seconded by Mr G. Cattle and carried that this be accepted and that Mr Roberts be made Vice President of the Society .
8 Mr Reed , Mr Cohen and Mr Wells were given 18-month suspended sentences .
9 His spokesman Mr Zlobin said Mr Khasbulatov was receiving numerous telegrams of support for the results of the Congress session .
10 Mr Reynolds was kept warm and each procedure was quietly explained to him before it was carried out .
11 Mr Reynolds was kept comfortable by lifting and moving him gently every 2 hours and giving him regular analgesia .
12 Bouquets of flowers mark the spot where Mr Reynolds was shot dead exactly a week ago .
13 Apart from his bankruptcy , Mr Bond is to face criminal financial charges next month , and is required to give evidence before the Royal Commission inquiring into financial dealings between several Western Australian entrepreneurs and a former state Labour government during the 1980s .
14 Both Croatia and the Lebanon objected on the grounds that Sotheby 's had been far from complete in its discovery process , and was trying to slip out from the case before the evidence of Mr Camber was made available .
15 A former 60-a-day-smoker , Mr McTear is suing Imperial Tobacco for damages , claiming he would not have taken up the habit in the 1960s had there been health warnings .
16 A week after the s 24 order was made , Mr Flint was adjudicated bankrupt .
17 Mr Shah is becoming concerned : he sees something unbusinesslike in me which I accept must be visible to others .
18 Mr Goult was found dead in an armchair at his ground floor flat in Woolfall Heath Avenue , Huyton , on Saturday afternoon .
19 Our concern then Mr Mayor is to see social housing used correctly , for those in greatest need and this leads us to the conclusion that means testing is the best way to ensure , is positive discrimination in favour of people in such need .
20 Mr Spiro was found dead from cyanide poisoning in his truck three days after the November 6 massacre .
21 The case became a hot potato for the government when Mr Yang was offered political asylum by Taiwan , China 's old foe .
22 Mr Lloyd is taking legal advice after charges of theft against him were dropped without reaching court .
23 As soon as it became clear that Miss Trunchbull had completely disappeared from the scene , the excellent Mr Trilby was appointed Head Teacher in her place .
24 In another development , Mr Campbell was appointed assistant editor on Mr Montgomery 's old paper , Today , by Richard Stott , former editor of the Daily Mirror .
25 Mr Buttell was certified dead at the scene before his body was freed by firefighters .
26 After a while he was sure Mr Crangle was becoming suspicious of his persistent visits to the library .
27 Mr Hayton was found guilty of causing death by dangerous driving following the crash at Weedon in Northampton shire .
28 The family took out a 39 per cent loan after Mr Harris was made bankrupt .
29 And his words echoed terrifyingly true when a second attack took place only 24 hours after Essex postman Mr Thompson was shot dead .
30 Mr Beamish was becoming impatient and I could n't blame him .
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