Example sentences of "as [det] [noun] [subord] they " in BNC.

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1 No one is quite sure just how significant they are because , generally , they prefer to maintain a low profile and reveal as little information as they can .
2 Again , they could have gone into the supermarket , but they thought the police had had a good look at them , so they sprinted through the crowds who took as little notice as they expected , and across the street just after the lights had changed 50 that the traffic beginning to move , hooted .
3 Violence was a daily part of their lives , and the men paid Trent 's leash as little attention as they would have spared for the commonplace of a bleeding corpse sprawled in the gutter back home .
4 They decided to go north to Thorpe Old Manor and spend Christmas as if they had as few cares as they now had pence .
5 It was run by Alfred Rozelaar Green who , having lived and worked in Paris before the war , wanted to imitate in London the French free academy system which offers an open house to anyone wishing to draw , paint or sculpt for as many or as few sessions as they wish .
6 Collectively , these statutes enable the police to stop and search suspects and ask for personal details , to enter forcibly and search private properties , to detain suspects for questioning for up to 72 hours and to use as much discretion as they require to impose bans or conditions on marches or assemblies .
7 Do you have as much influence as them ?
8 ‘ But they have access to those who are and they 're determined to exert as much influence as they can according to their convictions . ’
9 They can make as much mess as they like and when the weather 's nice they can spill out into the garden . ’
10 I 'm given as much independence as they can give me , so I do n't feel I 'm isolated .
11 True , too , Bosnia 's Serbs have won as much land as they want ( though in the territories they control ethnic cleansing continues : about 1,000 Muslims or Croats are leaving northern Bosnia every week , it is reported , after signing papers to say they are going voluntarily ) .
12 It also sort of encourages them to farm as much land as they can to presumably rent more out .
13 So the idea is idea is that a kind of arms race will develop between the siblings to amplify the signal to get as much back as they can from , from the parent .
14 But I ask you , John — apart from the fact that we always beat them , there are lots of reasons why we should get just as much publicity as them .
15 I hope the health service 's attitude has changed because anyone suffering from anorexia feels isolated and needs as much support as they can get — from doctors and their family .
16 The various houses hid as much Champagne as they dared by sealing up some of their cellars , but they had to be very careful not to attract attention .
17 But Commander Roy Penrose , who organised yesterday 's raids , said : ‘ We do not believe they had as much explosives as they claimed .
18 ‘ Separate beds it is to minimise the infection , as much liquids as they can take , except milk .
19 As I put it in the course of the argument , and as I sincerely believe , ‘ good parenting involves giving minors as much rope as they can handle without an unacceptable risk that they will hang themselves . ’
20 Tony Carpenter , a dietician , says it 's vital they drink as much fluid as they can get .
21 The first two children fill up their spoons with water and run to the other end and deposit as much water as they have left in the glass .
22 The Hydro Board were playing tunes with their dams , and did a great deal to lessen the impact by holding back as much water as they could .
23 Lyell saw each biogeographical province as a ‘ centre of creation ’ where new species typical of that province were created from time to time , spreading out from the centre to occupy as much territory as they could .
24 In the absence of any corporate direction , BR 's excursion trains then were not much more than a mishmash of bright and not so bright ideas by divisional and area managers , which lost as much money as they made .
25 [ Mond is said to have complained , away back in the 1880s , that his company was n't concentrating on chemistry any more but on making money , a complaint perhaps most easily made by those who have already acquired as much money as they can reasonable need . ]
26 Try to give people as much responsibility as they can handle ( within reason ) .
27 It 's probably where the expression ‘ work like a dog ’ was born ; no wonder they shuffle under the shearing sheds and grab as much sleep as they can when they 're not clambering over sheep 's backs or kicking up the fine , red dust .
28 They tend to be kind and wish to give the candidates as much help as they can , although there is no compulsion on them to cover every detail of the syllabus .
29 However this may not give a learner as much help as they can get from seeing the actions , people , objects and settings location footage will contain .
30 The study shows Japanese firms investing more in R&D than their American counterparts , relying less on government funding and exporting as much technology as they import .
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