Example sentences of "as [adj] [conj] [pron] [be] " in BNC.

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1 The refusal is as understandable as it is naive , but seems to constitute at the same time what amounts to an abnegation of intellectual curiosity about human needs .
2 Only Jonathan had no qualms about paying for her wherever they went , but maybe that was because he was as rich as she was , even if it was all his father 's money .
3 ‘ He is more hip than any man I know , ’ says film executive Mark Canton , who helped to make Jack as rich as he is today , by persuading him to play The Joker in Batman .
4 How was it she had heart even to look at me , as tormented as she was ? ’
5 ‘ Not half as repressed as you are .
6 ‘ George , you 're not going to get me as bad-tempered as you are . ’
7 It lives in large family groups and is said to be as shy as it is fearsome-looking .
8 They were as shy as I was and the effort they made to be friendly was the most heartening thing I had experienced since I had been taken prisoner .
9 It was a nightmare for someone as shy as I was then .
10 One reason for this may have been the conventional wisdom that secularisation had made the subject well nigh irrelevant , another reason may have been that there are few areas in which the methodological problems are as acute as they are in the investigation of people 's beliefs and/or the assessment of the effect that these have upon the rest of society .
11 In large measure , the background to the Bill reflects the unease with the SGA 1979 with its echoes of 19th century sales practice where the distinction between retail and wholesale sales was not as acute as it is today .
12 But the danger to his life is every bit as acute as it was when an aged cleric in a distant country first pronounced the fateful sentence .
13 ‘ More than I 'd ever be interested in doing for someone as one-dimensional as you are . ’
14 You 're as guilty as he is . ’
15 ‘ I 'm as guilty as he is .
16 Seriously , Wide Awake 's begrudging attitude towards the Lower Ormeau 's attempts to boost its morale is as shameful as it is wrong .
17 Yeah as right as I 'm gon na be I suppose .
18 It 's surprising I 'm as normal as I am .
19 Rosie , opening the mail , a task she no longer enjoyed , said it was impossible for Tavett to be guilty of sending the knives because he had been as upset as she was when one fell on his desk .
20 Meanwhile , Vanessa herself suffers a downfall as humiliating as it is spectacular .
21 It 's not co it 's still working , but it 's the you can see the the washing is not as dry as it was before .
22 He knew her brother who , strangely , was as timid as she was bold .
23 I would n't be as polite as you are .
24 Otherwise it is as complete as it was over a century ago , with no less than 700 lots being offered for sale in two parts .
25 It was now generally agreed ( despite claims to the same effect reaching back to the 1930s and beyond ) that the map of literary history was as complete as it was ever likely to become . "
26 It may however be noted that the immunity against judicial interrogation is no longer as complete as it was , for the abolition by the Criminal Evidence Act 1898 of the rule that an accused was not even a competent witness at his own trial opened up the possibility that if he did give evidence he would expose himself to questioning by counsel for the prosecution and in appropriate circumstances by the judge himself ; and his privilege against self-incrimination whilst giving evidence was expressly removed by section 1 ( e ) of the Act of 1898 .
27 Your voice is as loud as it is insistent and , as if that were n't bad enough , what you speak of is as boring as it is unseemly .
28 The air around each of them is by no means as sweet-smelling as it was then and the water that flows over the falls into the harbour is certainly not as pure .
29 ‘ I 'd never have expected him to be as supportive as he was , ’ says Sean , ‘ but it brought us closer together .
30 As though echoing their thoughts , Vic said : ‘ They 're as alive as we are , these trees .
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