Example sentences of "try and [verb] it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And you 're supposed to try and link it with bigger groups of children , so if you say you say you 've got primary skills
2 And it 's much easier to try and control it on the clutch .
3 I think it 's a good time to spend in the garden to be honest , I mean you ca n't , you ca n't , it 's not really long enough to try and do it at weekends , not if he wants to move that garage back , it 'll probably take the best part of the week to sort that out
4 Her advice is to try and treat it as a normal meal .
5 With the weight of John 's head slowly reducing one leg to numbness , I decided to try and explain it to myself .
6 okay , do n't take too much , and that is to first make a literal translation and then , to try and put it into idiomatic English .
7 We got so fed up with the leaking roof that we decided to try and mend it with some tar .
8 Cumberland also felt some anxiety about the security of Blair Castle , situated about eight miles [ 13 km ] north-west of Pitlochry , the ancestral home of Lord George Murray , who obtained permission from Prince Charles to try and regain it from the government forces occupying it , but his light guns proved ineffective against the castle 's 7-ft [ 2.1-m ] thick walls .
9 erm Unfortunately when you 're short of money , you know , you have to try and get it from wherever you can and of course , in lots of cases , the supermarket chains have actually bailed out some football clubs , you know , by buying pieces of the car park etc .
10 Rabbit Software Corp , based in Malvern , Pennsylvania , is about to try and cut it in Europe — for the second time .
11 Cover the variations in speed , I 'm going to try and define it in pages rather than speed , because finding it difficult is speed , whereas if you got a sl a slow speaker there are longer pauses and hesitations .
12 My health , I am feeling strong and looking confident on the outside , so you must try and feel it on the inside oh dear the planets are on your side this week for love , needless to say
13 We 'll try and bring it to you later in the programme .
14 We 'll try and make it in the morning .
15 you know , if it 's got to be done , it 's got to be done , I wo n't worry about it , please ev , all I 'll say is , is , is can we please try and arrange it in advance , I 'd rather
16 Let's try and aim it in their direction .
17 Then I 'll try and fix it for you to have your roof-top ending . ’
18 Do n't try and do it at too fast a speed .
19 You know , hardly get a go-round in the in the Dictionary of Quotations but at least you got the person there which is right , but in actual fact , how I might have treated that and I might what might have grabbed me a little bit more would have been the story which I would be looking for , I 'd be looking for my journalist to turn that into and therefore you might as well try and do it for us , because journalists like , like count on your labour , as I
20 We 'll try and get it with this .
21 Let's try and get it on the board , which somebody has written on and I told them about that and asked them to clean it , but , bring a spray can of white paint next time .
22 Cos she saw me putting the corn in and she decided she 'd try and get it by diving through the black net instead of going through the gate , like with a normal hen , you know , this one 's obviously brain dead or
23 If you feel that specialist advice would be helpful for anyone in your care , you should try and obtain it through your manager or warden .
24 Okay , I 'll point to something round here and you 've got ta try and find it on the picture bulb .
25 But erm , you know the English , the major author 's list can you try and find it after this .
26 And you want me to introduce you , so that you can try and sell it to him . ’
27 within the first-aiders and the , and obviously to try and try and drive it to them on that issue .
28 is what Thursday , Thursday , yeah , at the worse that will get there Monday okay , they 'll try and put it on risk for , or get something moving on that
29 Now , what you can do is try and cut it towards the middle of your line of aim .
30 oh try and get it between the
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