Example sentences of "try and [verb] [Wh det] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The desire to gain affection and approval from its owner can be a prime motivator for the horse to try and do what we ask of it .
2 One has to try and explain what it is we are about and why we 're doing it and , if necessary , perhaps point out a few distinctions that may exist , for instance , between the professional and the amateur scene , not that I like using those words because I think they 're fraught with all sort of potential misunderstandings .
3 Too young for you even to try and explain what you were doing , how important it was and how much it took out of you .
4 ‘ It must seem impossible for you to believe that in a civilized society so abhorrent a practice as the enslaving of one person by another still continues , but I will ask you to try and imagine what it must be like .
5 Well , you 've obviously had some bad experiences , but I think one of the , one of the best defences is actually not to sell your wares , I mean who 's interested in your wares , but actually to try and state what you 're doing in such a way that it is of some interest .
6 Self-esteem or pride gives the horse confidence to try and get what it wants or needs ; and success increases the horse 's confidence further so it may dare to try and win against greater odds — whether it be stronger horses , an adverse environment , or dominant people .
7 to , to erm to try and remember what it was like when you read it for the first time .
8 I 'll try and explain what I mean .
9 You got ta , you got ta try and think what your headline will be
10 Finally think of one surface for yourself , and I and your neighbour will try and guess what it is .
11 Let me try and reconstruct what she looked like that day .
12 Alan J. Lerner used to say that any composer must write for himself — if you try and write what you think the public want , you 'll go mad .
13 Just try and remember what we were doing but the pig about resistance is it 's one over and think ooh we 're all into weird fractions and everything seems to work the opposite way round to the way you 'd expect it .
14 Try and remember what you had originally on your on your gesture list .
15 Try and imagine what it 's like .
16 Try and hear what I am saying .
17 Well St Aldate 's in the Civil War is quite a problem to talk about really , erm in half an hour , because it 's so enmeshed in the story of Oxford in the Civil War which is a long , very interesting one , so what I 'm going to try and do is erm to pick out some of the local landmarks that did survive in the 17th century and relate them to what we know about some of the people and in this short half an hour , just try and picture what it was like to live in St Aldate 's during the civil war .
18 we I try and cover what we can in the lessons Not so much what we can but what I think is the right amount for you .
19 Try and guess what they are and you could win a prize .
20 Now , that 's and example of functional group isomerism what I 'd like you to do now is to try and decide what these two things are called I 'm gon na put on the board and try and decide what you would call them in terms these general labels under structural isomerism .
21 Erm well I think erm the first thing I would probably do would be try and explain what your what the rights your rights were , and what sort of benefits you were entitled to .
22 Try and understand what it is they are looking for .
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