Example sentences of "try [to-vb] you [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And er I mean I tried to indicate you know to him that he could claim against the company and get his premiums back , but unfortunately , there was no letter and no i indication , and the person was no longer with the company .
2 ‘ You could have had a hundred casual affairs , and I 'd have adjusted to them somehow and tried to make you fall in love with me , but the thought that you 'd loved someone else and still loved him , because it seemed to have gone on over the years , periodically resumed …
3 Now he is in a world where it 's nothing to fly to the Bahamas for a conference — and for a conference that 's probably not even going to be in the Bahamas ; a world where very high-class girls ring up uninvited and try to make you feel at home .
4 The variety of course combinations may seem bewildering at first sight , but they result from having a flexible system which tries to allow you to move to new subjects if you find them more attractive than the subjects which you first chose .
5 And on 15 May , the morning of the Maurice debate , he recorded : ‘ We proceeded thus : S.B. — ’ You know , PM , that for ten years we have been trying to catch you deviating by an inch from the strict path of veracity and pin you down .
6 And that 's virtually all it says but it goes over the words again and again , as if it 's trying to force you to rejoice through learning the words off by rote .
7 All the teachers bouncing about in their flower-power gear , trying to get you to dance with them , and old Fungus Williams playing his ancient records .
8 We 're not saying you ca n't do it because we 're trying to say you need to be aware of these problems because we need to find solutions to some of them , erm and A L O work is definitely one of them , that report from the home office and the D V suggests quite categorically that er that there should be a crime prevention input into all planning applications .
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