Example sentences of "try [to-vb] it [adv] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 so those houses were all sandbagged , but it , it got into some , the problem was that the , the road closed sign kept blowing down in the wind , I tried to stand it up but it was oh so heavy , I got it up , but it , it immediately blew down again , and
2 A skylight above the street door was closed and out of reach , but I tried to reach it anyway and was surprised when my fingers touched the ledge .
3 Well , if they really tried to do it again and they failed , there 's not much else that we could ask them to do is there ?
4 Frantically the evil one tried to turn it aside but could not .
5 Lesley-Jane Decker , if she was having an affair with Michael Banks , might have turned against him because he tried to break it off or committed one of the million other offences which men can commit against women with whom they are having affairs .
6 Did you even try to get it out or did you just think oh well ?
7 The D R one A is currently an excellent er tactical reconnaissance aircraft , all weather , at night etcetera and er it will go on well into the next century so there 's no great hurry to make a decision er one of the first points has got ta be decided is whether we carry the reconnaissance equipment in a pod under the aircraft replacing some of the other weapons or whether we try to build it in and er but taking first things first we have to get the requirement sorted out .
8 The Conservatives may have tried to go it alone and form a minority government , but some kind of party-splitting coalition government could well have been more likely .
9 He bent to get a closer look at one drawing that had been fixed lower than the others , as if the teacher had somehow tried to segregate it off and pretend that it was n't part of the display .
10 The commission for the piece came from Life magazine , but due to a change in publishers the images never ran , ‘ I 've tried to sell it overseas and in Europe and had very good success with it .
11 We have tried to use it before but the mountain reception is far from good .
12 The car was so low it looked as if a giant had tried to stub it out and it was clear that getting out of the bucket seat gave the Greek momentary altitude sickness .
13 She tries to push it out and black beads form on her skin , ribbons of dark flowing out into the water .
14 He insisted on trying to go it alone and lurched against the bannister where he hung on for dear life .
15 Christians singer Henry Priestman , at No 33 with What 's In A Word says : ‘ We spent two years trying to sort it out and relationships in the band suffered .
16 One of the station employees was following a discarded wrapper across the concrete , trying to pick it up but thwarted every time by a fresh breeze that blew the litter out of his reach .
17 They 're trying to pick it off and doing it on the big grass .
18 he went mad and he was trying to cover it up and that cos I mean over the club , and he goes there on a Saturday afternoon , he gets some stick over there .
19 Erm we are renumbering some points in that one , erm we were trying to avoid it before but I ca n't seem any way of avoiding it here because these are major new things .
20 Playing about with the engine and playing about with the body work , trying to do it up and all this and they just they just
21 He was trying to turn it round and make it sound positive .
22 ‘ Are you trying to turn it off or on ? ’
23 trying to get it together and I would of got it together if I for being nice
24 And it was getting dragged back and the engine was going like mad trying to push it along and the wind was pushing me back , and I was thinking am I going forwards or backward here ?
25 ‘ We used to find that people picking up a 2D spreadsheet from another audit would spend ages trying to print it out and find out what was in there before they could start work . ’
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