Example sentences of "try [coord] [verb] you [verb] " in BNC.

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1 So Malcolm went down Club Row market and bought us a cat and the most ridiculously horrible food — tins of sardines and those disgusting tinned plum tomatoes they used to try and make you eat at school .
2 That was why I kept pushing you and provoking you — to try and make you spit it out .
3 Well there are one or two other things we can do to try and make you feel better er even if the , the hands are n't the principle cause er I think we 'll see what happens , work your chest out of the way first though .
4 Punc punctuation do you want to try and do you want to just write it down .
5 Colleagues , just to try and let you know what , er I 've got in my mind concerning the business that 's fell off the agenda yesterday and today so far .
6 But it is just to try and ask you to think ways in which you could help in this particular way in whichever way there is .
7 I went there to try and find you to see if you knew anything about Oliver , but you 'd already left .
8 Cos I want to try and get you know things sorted out round there .
9 Windows covered in prices , lots of talk about discounts , vouchers , all sorts of things to try and get you to part with your money .
10 runs well it 's so easy for other groups to , to try and get you to help them out .
11 The Occupational Therapist is there to try and help you find a solution to your problem .
12 That 's , that 's , yeah that 's the special edition which is the one er just , you know , to try and help you sell better and that 's the , that 's the other possibility , the
13 Well i that was to sort of try and make you focus on the gifts of the Holy Spirit that we 're going to receive , that we receive through or that you have strengthened through Confirmation , rather than receiving because they 're already there .
14 I would say to any prospective newcomer , choose your training organisation to suit your needs , and enjoy your training and future diving , but beware of those who would try and make you prejudiced against all others .
15 Most of the scriptures we 'll be looking at today is very familiar with us we know them and some of them we may be able to recite without even looking at the words , but er , if we can try and get you to think a little bit about them , then we 've achieved something , if we can get you to think that , you know , well am I dozing or am I really awake as I should be , then we 'll achieve more , in verse eleven it speaks there about er , you people knowing the season , well what people are we talking about ?
16 But what I 'll try and ask you to do is your service level is not just four nights four noons four despatch you know it 's not just that .
17 I 'll try and let you know . ’
18 Now that I know what is happening in my Discipleship Training School ( DTS ) here in Bolivia , I will try and let you know as well .
19 er , I will try and push you to see if I 've got the right money , you know .
20 I was supposed to come here and try and persuade you to sell .
21 Then you try and get you see .
22 And like they try and tell you to use public transport because there 's too many cars on the road .
23 Your friends , your parents , your school , your peers , they all try and stop you going out into left field .
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