Example sentences of "try [verb] [noun] [conj] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 While bird-watching is often used at an early stage in research to try to develop hypotheses and to make sure one does have some idea of how people behave before going any further , there is no reason why one should not develop more systematic recording schedules to standardize the observations and to develop more of a survey approach .
2 In constructing our programmes of study we have tried to avoid overlap and to make clear what we consider to be associated with which attainment targets , but some points will inevitably appear more than once .
3 When you are trying to lose weight or to keep your weight down , it sometimes seems like needless fuss making a ‘ proper cooked lunch ’ .
4 One of the ways in which the Council is trying to avoid duplication and to make course and unit development more efficient is by encouraging centres with similar proposals to work together as consortia .
5 But their two aims conflicted because on the one hand they 're trying to protect production and to allow erm er capit private enterprise and capitalism to develop but on the other hand they 're erm trying to redistribute all the land er because the May the fourth directive was n't going far enough , they , they needed to be more severe upon landlords
6 In 1893 , spectators burst on to the field during a game between Nottingham Forest and West Bromwich Albion , and a fight ensued between players and fans with the Albionites attempting to defend the referee , although it was observed ‘ that none of the home players could be seen assisting in trying to stop disorder or to protect the Referee ’ .
7 Whatever the wider influences the producers themselves were just experimenting , trying to cut costs and to standardize production , and trying to whip up some interest by injecting a little sensationalism into their films by sailing a little closer to the wind .
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