Example sentences of "never [vb infin] been [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 The balance between industrial demand , speculation and monetary needs could probably never have been achieved in the inflationary context of the time .
2 Among those who found wartime location shooting refreshing was the actor Michael Redgrave who credited much of the quality in The Way to the Stars ( 1945 ) , Asquith 's atmospheric picture about life on an airforce base , to ‘ the atmosphere of those three weeks at Catterick , which could never have been created in the studio . ’
3 We may know , for example , that vines can not be grown in areas where the average annual temperature is lower than 52°F , and can thus infer that they could never have been grown in Edinburgh .
4 Mr George Kynock reclaimed the seat most Conservatives felt should never have been lost in the first place .
5 The public and professional opposition to I M Pei 's famous glass pyramids at the Louvre was of a ferocity that would never have been withstood in England .
6 Channel 4 said the three illustrations which caused all the upset would never have been transmitted in any case without further editing .
7 Ours was now a multiple reality and our structural ambivalence can be illustrated by one example when one of the squad created a blazer badge in heraldic style ( although we could never have been seen in a blazer at this time when faded denim was the order of the day ) .
8 I realise from his point of view his company would be a quarter of a million better off if they could prove it should never have been paid in the first place , but … it is my mother he was talking about dammit ! ’
9 But the line could never have been held in south-west France without the active collaboration and support of its inhabitants .
10 The claims of democracy would never have been admitted in the present liberal democracies had those countries not got a solid basis of liberalism first .
11 ‘ After all , it could never have been told in English . ’
12 As a result , the Government backed off , and the new regulation , which should never have been proposed in the first place , was ignominiously withdrawn .
13 And something like two million people have got to stop doing jobs they should never have been doing in the first place , like er polluting the rivers and the soil and the air , and spying on each other and contributing to the overmanning that there is in East Germany .
14 The trouble was , it should never have been parked in that corner in the first place , so there was n't much the owner could say , apart from making the air blue for half an hour or so .
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