Example sentences of "company 's [noun sg] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 A decision to let ICI 's bioscience businesses demerge would mark a sharp break with a tradition that has formed part of the company 's culture since it started : the tradition of the cartel .
2 Clearly the presentation of the winding-up petition is a prima facie indication of a company 's insolvency and it would therefore be wholly inequitable for one creditor to be entitled to enforce his debt to the detriment of the other creditors .
3 Cincinnati Bell Inc has had the all clear from Standard & Poor 's Corp , which affirmed Cincinnati Bell Telephone Co 's double-A-minus senior debt rating on its $285m or so of debt following the company 's announcement that it would file for a 9% increase in local services and a three-year alternative regulation plan beginning January 1 1994 .
4 Former Cray Research Inc chairman John Rollwagen has withdrawn his name from further consideration for the number two post at the US Commerce Department after the Securities & Exchange Commission asked him to participate in an insider trading probe centring on sale of shares in Cray Computer Corp ahead of that company 's announcement that it had lost its only Cray 3 order .
5 The raid was immediately followed by the company 's announcement that it would cancel a contract concluded with Iran on June 1 for the sale of 257 tonnes of thionyl chloride , allegedly a precursor of mustard gas .
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