Example sentences of "ask if [pron] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I asked if he had ever told his wife or anyone else about this before and his reply was , ‘ No ’ .
2 Durkheim belonged to that contemplative school of armchair theorists epitomized by Sir James Frazer , who is supposed to have solemnly replied ‘ God forbid ! ’ to the innocent questioner who asked if he had ever lived amongst ‘ savages ’ .
3 I spoke to Michael at Adel and asked if he remembered how he felt that day forty years ago .
4 ‘ I asked if you felt morally comfortable with this assignment , Caroline . ’
5 Nell smiled sweetly at his departing back and asked if I 'd ever noticed how important everything was to actors ?
6 There were these two outrageous guys , splashing about , and they just came up and asked if I 'd ever considered doing anything in the advertising world and I said , ‘ No . ’
7 Oh , and he asked if I 'd ever seen Angy having any kind of disagreement with anyone and I had to tell him about that little contretemps with Mr Willard and young Godfrey Mellish . ’
8 Several times it 's happened to me that someone has come up to me and asked if I 've ever done a play .
9 I know he was looking for Nicola at one stage because he asked if I knew where she 'd gone .
10 I answered Gwenellen with a non-committal ‘ Uh-huh , ’ and , as I now knew the subject was safe , asked if she knew when Bill Francis was due in Out Patients for his first follow-up clinic .
11 I asked if she had ever been to hear Billy Graham ; a bit unlikely I thought .
12 As the woman was weeping , I asked if she cried often about this .
13 Fran exchanged pleasantries with her , curbing her impatience before finally asking if she knew where Luke had gone , and went weak with relief when the other woman informed her that he had gone to the old college .
14 When you say , " Do you understand me ? " , you are really asking if you have successfully communicated to the other person what you had in mind .
15 I ask if they ran off .
16 Ask if they have ever been frightened at school and what frightened or upset them .
17 ‘ Do that , ’ urged Gwenellen , ‘ and ask if she knows why he 's never married .
18 Then a friend asks if you 've just been chewing a clove of garlic .
19 One of them is approached by Dustin , who asks if he knows where three girls live .
20 They were also asked if they had ever consulted a doctor about recurrent bowel symptoms or abdominal pain .
21 I was asked if I had ever thought about finding a flat and living up here .
22 In fact I broadcast that material , but I cut it into three programmes , and I , I cut in the questions I would have asked if he 'd actually given me a chance to ask them .
23 Asked if he 'd ever been arrested before , Mitchum replied , ‘ Only for speeding , drunkenness and disorderly conduct . ’
24 When asked if he had ever tried it , Palmer retorted grimly : ‘ Only in the privacy of my bathroom . ’
25 Brundle looks askance when he is asked if he has ever read the books of technical instruction in race-driving written by Pierro Taruffi and Alain Prost , among others .
26 We had lost the press buses and one of the Gofers , a merchant banker , came up to me on the tarmac to ask if I knew where they were .
27 Nation anxiously telephoned his agent to ask if she had formally rejected the Doctor Who offer .
28 I do n't need to ask if you slept well . ’
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