Example sentences of "most important [noun sg] is [conj] " in BNC.

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1 However , the most important question is whether the ‘ mutual paranoia ’ theme has any basic plausibility in the context of the current arms race .
2 The most important finding is that bFGF given parenterally or applied directly to the mucosa enhanced the healing of acetic acid induced gastric ulcerations and augmented the healing activity of sucralfate .
3 The most important feature is that so far as human hearing 's concerned , each increase of ten decibels , the loudness of the sound doubles .
4 The first and most important consideration is that in the forty years since 9 August 1945 , despite the fact that all the nuclear powers have been involved in wars at one time or another , nuclear weapons have not once been used militarily .
5 The most important consideration is that a high torque should be available at low speeds and therefore a small switching angle is chosen .
6 The most important consideration is that the allocation must be done in a completely open and transparent way .
7 At this stage the most important consideration is that your choice is consistent with the overall purpose of the essay topic you are proposing .
8 The most important factor is whether or not it has a standard case and motherboard .
9 The judges will of course be looking for turning ability , but the most important factor is that children — or adults — will find the toy a joy .
10 But the most important factor is that you like what you now see in the mirror better than two weeks ago .
11 But the most important factor is that the team is properly funded this time . ’
12 The most important thing is that next season Manchester City are in the First Division . ’
13 The most important thing is that next season Manchester City are in the First Division . ’
14 The most important thing is that you do it — do n't wait for your partner to bring the subject up , it may never happen !
15 The most important thing is that they are superb warriors .
16 I think perhaps the most important thing is that voluntary agencies should do what they believe is right , and not allow their own objectives to be distorted , simply because a , of particular flavours , which is why I 'm saying let us grab the agenda and write the agenda , rather than have the agenda set for us by other people .
17 The most important thing is that you 're in danger of not being able to ask the nasty questions because the family are all so lovely and you get on so well with them and do n't want to ask impertinent questions . ’
18 I was struck too by the way in which we started the programme by considering the dangers of the situation and there 's no doubt that that 's correct , but it is important to say , perhaps the most important thing is that the end of is n't in the Soviet Union and the break up of the Soviet Empire is an enormously positive event for all of us , for the citizens of the Soviet Union and for us in the West it gives the opportunity for much greater stability , real stability , peace and prosperity then ever existed under the old regime .
19 Perhaps its most important aspect is that it is not confined to a particular region .
20 The third and most important reason is that by virtue of its ownership of an almost infinite variety of coasts , countryside , woods and waterways , gardens , historic houses and works of art , it can make a unique contribution to public and professional debate , and to environmental education .
21 The first and most important reason is that ketamine can readily induce a state of virtual helplessness , within the dose range normally taken by users , to a far greater extent than most other substances of abuse .
22 Perhaps the most important reason is that if the company should go bankrupt , the pension fund ( which is normally administered by an appointed financial institution ) would not be affected , which can be contrasted with a pay-as-you-go system where obviously there would be no employees left to finance current or future pension benefits .
23 The most important difference is that the symptoms of Chronic Urethritis will only last for a day or two after intercourse .
24 Perhaps the most important difference is that the buyer can not complain of defects that a reasonable examination ought to reveal .
25 Perhaps the most important point is that , regardless of who may be at the launch point , the pilot alone bears the responsibility for accepting or rejecting the launch in the light of the situation as he sees it from the cockpit .
26 The most important point is that relatively complicated life habits can be inferred from a careful consideration of the anatomy of even the simplest looking animal , particularly when there are related , similarly adapted animals for comparison .
27 The first and perhaps most important point is that these words do not attribute property directly either to the trustee ( B ) or to the beneficiary ( C ) .
28 Far and away the most important point is that the museums be allowed to keep the revenues that they generate .
29 The most important point is that rather flat-lying arrays can be generated by feasible mixing models despite the involvement of a plume endmember with fairly high Nd .
30 The most important point is that the volatility of raw recruits from the countryside was not complemented by increasing moderation on the part of their more thoroughly ‘ proletarianized ’ comrades .
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