Example sentences of "most [adj] point is that " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps the most important point is that , regardless of who may be at the launch point , the pilot alone bears the responsibility for accepting or rejecting the launch in the light of the situation as he sees it from the cockpit .
2 The most important point is that relatively complicated life habits can be inferred from a careful consideration of the anatomy of even the simplest looking animal , particularly when there are related , similarly adapted animals for comparison .
3 The first and perhaps most important point is that these words do not attribute property directly either to the trustee ( B ) or to the beneficiary ( C ) .
4 Far and away the most important point is that the museums be allowed to keep the revenues that they generate .
5 The most important point is that rather flat-lying arrays can be generated by feasible mixing models despite the involvement of a plume endmember with fairly high Nd .
6 The most important point is that the volatility of raw recruits from the countryside was not complemented by increasing moderation on the part of their more thoroughly ‘ proletarianized ’ comrades .
7 But the most important point is that very often auditors are required to do much more than express opinions on financial statements , in the public sector in general and in government particularly .
8 One of his most significant points is that Mozart chose to join a Roman Catholic masonic lodge when the Pope had banned freemasonry .
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