Example sentences of "feel [adj] that [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She could n't even feel resentful that he slept so peacefully after she had suffered a sleepless night of angst .
2 Not only can you feel smug that you bagged the Ben the hard way , you will also be handsomely rewarded by the views across Loch Linnhe as you descend .
3 Only when we are sure that all possible test factors have been controlled can we feel confident that we understand the causal process at work .
4 Do you really feel confident that they know how business works and can help you learn one or two things about it ?
5 Children must be heard , and must feel confident that they have an independent person to whom they can complain .
6 A detailed explanation of this correction is given in our book and was approved recently by Age and Ageing : ‘ If you do not feel confident that you understand the Gompertz-Makeham equation , nor the distinction between age-specific mortality and the force-of-mortality , then this book is a must for you . ’
7 It makes me feel pleased that I 've achieved something in my chosen career . ’
8 ‘ It was a lovely way for her to go , and we do feel thankful that she did n't linger on and suffer . ’
9 Now I feel grateful that I 've got someone who listens and who is there for me .
10 But on the specific question of ‘ showing ’ one 's legs , after talking to Muslim girls in Bradford and London I feel convinced that they share the views of their parents .
11 I 'm not getting at the park officials because I feel sure that they do their utmost to keep Henry VIII 's ancient hunting ground healthy and litter-free .
12 Feel sure that you saw one happen ? ’
13 Hey ! ’ of 1927 , Eliot judged John Rodker ‘ up-to-the-minute , if anyone is ; we feel sure that he knows all about hormones , W. H. R. Rivers , and the Mongol in our midst ’ .
14 Once you feel confident that you know what to do and why it should be done , you can put your knowledge to the test , choosing the time and place most suited to your own circumstances .
15 Finally , once you feel confident that you have selected the appropriate information , you can make notes and review your reading ( see next stage of strategy ) .
16 ‘ But I feel annoyed that she had not thought it all through .
17 I feel surprised that I put , how thick was she ?
18 I felt sorry that she had George Brown , completely pickled , on the other side of her . ’
19 Above all , she felt guilty that she had persuaded Bill , who looked as happy as a man with a toothache , to make an appearance .
20 Anne felt guilty that she had not attempted to see Kathleen after Ella 's injury .
21 She felt guilty that she had not yet been to visit Miss Grimes in her bed-sitting room somewhere off the Finchley Road , really within easy distance of where she lived , so there was really no excuse .
22 It was as though she had died again , only it was worse , and he felt guilty that he had n't wept properly when she 'd really died .
23 I felt foolish that I had n't been prepared for the fact that his skin would be so bad or his teeth so deteriorated .
24 I began to dislike her ; she looked sly and I felt indignant that she 'd spoken to me like that .
25 I felt relieved that I had my scar from the fight at the summer party and so looked the same as everybody else — I was afraid of appearing different or clever which meant that I would be noticed by the Corporals and picked on by all the others .
26 They had all been staunch Congregationalists , and Mary occasionally felt sad that she had left it all behind in childhood .
27 He patronized John Lewis and Marks and Spencer and usually felt glad that he did .
28 Just as a battle begins in a state of equilibrium between tile two sides , which gradually alters one way or the other , until it is clear that the balance has tilted so far that the issue can no longer be in doubt — so this gathering of rabbits in the dark , beginning with hesitant approaches , silences , pauses , movements , crouchings side-by-side and all manner of tentative appraisals , slowly moved , like a hemisphere of the world into summer , to a warmer , brighter region of mutual liking and approval , until all felt sure that they had nothing to fear .
29 His skin was bronzed , his thinning hair was bleached by sun and sea , and Wycliffe felt sure that he spent as little time as possible away from boats , the sea , and the club bar .
30 Josh had the newspaper spread out in front of him on the table , but Ruth felt sure that he had not been reading it ; she doubted if he even knew it was there .
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