Example sentences of "feel [prep] [conj] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If my right hand had n't felt as if somebody had grafted a bunch of bananas on to it and then dipped it in acid , it would have been a pleasant experience .
2 And so warm , if felt as if it had substance .
3 She 'd felt as if she 'd been fighting with Guy Sterne all her life !
4 He had never felt as if he belonged .
5 So many times she had felt as if he had just steamrollered his way right over her , refusing to listen to her arguments , just using his overpowering physical and mental strength to get his own way .
6 Most travellers will explain , like the writer and traveller Paul Theroux , that unless the journey has been difficult they do not feel as if they have been travelling .
7 Strange as it may seem , some people have more difficulty in handling or expressing warm , loving feelings than negative , angry ones ; or it may feel as if they have to keep a tighter reign on the loving feelings , which they perceive as making them more vulnerable to rejection and disappointment .
8 I f I shall feel as if we 've been from here cos when I was first married we lived up round the next road .
9 I do n't exactly feel as if we 'd had our monies worth there .
10 It made us feel as if we had progressed up the Bletchley ladder .
11 Elsie B graced me with a long chat which made me feel as if I 'd been in the presence of royalty , though I suspect not too many members of the Royal Family are at their desk as early as Elsie .
12 ‘ You make me feel as if I 'd died . ’
13 It stops me concentrating on breathing properly and makes me feel as if I 've lost control of the situation .
14 Er , my experience is slightly different when erm when I had been trying to sort of recover , I did n't , I did n't feel as if I 've get any help from professionals that I approached .
15 I am chickening out cos I do n't feel as if I 've learnt an awful lot .
16 And I shall feel as if I 've got up , been round the world
17 Sorry to say this , but I did n't feel as if I liked any of the people I was involved with either . ’
18 Maybe I do n't feel as if I exist in my own right .
19 you do n't feel as if you 've missed anything .
20 During the next 60 seconds it will induce feelings of warmth.You will feel as if you have everything you could possibly want.Let these feelings fill your whole consciousness.These effects are n't permanent .
21 This sensitive point made Hank feel as if he had been returned sharply to the schoolroom , but he said unrepentantly : ‘ Nuts !
22 He made me feel as if he had rescued me from some intellectual gutter , some abyss of boredom .
23 It did n't feel as if she had a body at all .
24 Or , apropos of the necessity of having a good historical imagination when reading , ‘ I had much rather know what I should feel like if I adopted the beliefs of Lucretius than how Lucretius would have felt if he had never entertained them . ’
25 There was an agony inside him which he had never felt before and he closed his eyes briefly .
26 ‘ I feel as if we failed that man somewhere , ’ she said a little later as together with David and Martin Foulds she watched the ambulance leave the factory .
27 ‘ Julian and I feel as if we 've always lived here .
28 Sometimes my tears are so hot they feel as if they 've been baking inside me , sometimes they feel bigger and wetter , sometimes rather lighter and not so salty .
29 They feel estranged ; they feel as if they do n't belong ; they can not identify .
30 He had assumed , discriminated , made her feel as if she had to apologise for the way she lived her life , when he knew nothing , nothing of her circumstances or her reasons .
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