Example sentences of "might have [vb pp] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Many commentators predicted that a majority of women voters , regardless of party loyalty , would be alienated by a decision to overturn Roe v. Wade , and that this could damage Bush , who believed that abortion should be available only to rape victims or if the woman 's life was in danger , and whose judicial appointments , the latest of whom was Clarence Thomas , might have created an anti-abortion majority on the Supreme Court .
2 Mrs Thatcher 's gamble , which might have caused a huge crisis and the fall of the government , came off triumphantly .
3 Accordingly , companies could find themselves in front of the Review Panel when an early discussion with the UITF might have saved an embarrassing discussion .
4 This law has not served the best interests of air safety even though it might have satisfied a curious public .
5 A close observer might have noticed a slight stiffening of Albert 's back , but otherwise he gave no sign of hearing .
6 Had the Lebanese gunmen not been so enthusiastic in their celebrations , they might have noticed a small but symbolic incident which cast a shadow over the Syrians ' arrival .
7 But if you looked carefully at the left-hand side , where there was a glass-enclosed porch , you might have noticed a few little birds flying around , the odd flash and flitter of coloured wings .
8 Whereas East Anglia might have become a second power base in the early 1470s , Gloucester 's Welsh lands were never expected to be more than peripheral .
9 Whereas East Anglia might have become a second power base in the early 1470s , Gloucester 's Welsh lands were never expected to be more than peripheral .
10 Also news of such extravagance might have perturbed a suspicious Emperor .
11 Each of them might have engaged a separate average adjuster to advise him : had these not agreed , a dispute could have arisen between the parties which they might have submitted to arbitrationa somewhat unusual course in business of this kind .
12 he might have done a roast dinner and that they
13 He eyes me , thinking that , although I might have done a few things in the Arctic , I am still a tiny lad without any fat ; he decides that it will be just a few minutes .
14 ‘ Some idiot might have seen a well-dressed elderly gent near the railway line and then you could have been questioned . ’
15 The restrictions of office life might have formed a permanent barrier to any expression of their feelings for each other , but their relationship had grown appreciably closer when they had both stayed for part of one summer at the home of a friend , Margaret Behrens , in Mentone — although even here Valerie Fletcher still called him " Mr Eliot " .
16 The miners might have lost a political battle , but they had not lost a war .
17 He was about to return the compliment by suggesting that she might have lost a little weight when she leaned across and helped herself to another jam tart .
18 Had Forbes lived longer , he might have founded at Edinburgh a school of naturalists as he hoped , and which was impossible at that date in London ; and he might have written a major work .
19 But Jan Peerce makes a very coarse and unromantic Alfredo , and Licia Albanese , who might have made a good shot at the role of Violetta under more sympathetic direction , sounds particularly nervous and unsettled .
20 Flaubert might have made a similar avowal — ‘ I leave two children , Bouvard and Pécuchet ’ — because his only child , the niece who became a daughter , had departed into disapproving adulthood .
21 Villa boss Ron Atkinson said : ‘ In the first half , we might have made a better game of it if we had turned up .
22 Ken , would you say though that erm one or two recent announcements connected with these judgments , I think including the er the judge in a recent M C C case which actually went I think against the administrators , b on shares but actually the judge said if the argument had been made that er these assets were held er on a trustee basis , then I might have made a different decision .
23 Thanks very much indeed for your report , Matthew , it 's certainly very informative , and in an ideal world , I think we might have made a different decision today .
24 Gregory might have made a deliberate choice .
25 He had a passionate love of music and in another world at another time might have made a fine musician , but there , held in that place at that moment , there were other plans , other duties , other paths .
26 He might have made a significant contribution to the public life of this country had he not been totally overshadowed by his illustrious father and had he not had such a burning desire to shine as bright or even brighter .
27 Televising might have made a big impact on proceedings in one other area .
28 A goal then might have made a big difference .
29 I might have made an angry reply about her own flaunting of herself at the male Ardakkean , but there was nothing to be gained by it .
30 At dusk the clouds over Manhattan , which had threatened snow all day , cleared and revealed a pristine sky , its colour so ambiguous it might have fuelled a philosophical debate as to the nature of the blue .
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