Example sentences of "might be made [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Alternatively something of a ritual might be made of inviting friends round to watch a particular programme .
2 Mention might be made of four other special rules relating to the involvement of vulnerable persons in sexual activity .
3 Some mention might be made of possible defences under such circumstances .
4 A loss might be made on this transaction , but such a loss would be preferable to the total abandonment of one 's savings or wealth , which would in any case have still had a value as bullion .
5 However , having heard argument , I am satisfied that the order of Saville J. was provisional only and was subject to any further order that might be made on further material being placed before the court .
6 Can you foresee any circumstances when an exception might be made to this rule ?
7 It is useful to return to the earlier typology of hazards ( Fig. 10.1 ) and to stress the links that might be made between those working on natural hazards and those working in the socio-economic domains .
8 One further observation might be made about pedagogic research .
9 The discussion above by no means exhausts the observations that might be made about postnominal attributives .
10 Homes of suitable shape and size might be made for each individual creature .
11 A case might be made for this ( although there is no other evidence for it ) and so substantive interference in Ulpian 's text could be taken to be limited to generalization or to the addition of per omnia .
12 The point that might be made in this connection is that without the particular there could be no way of understanding what might be meant by the ultimate .
13 Footprints might be made in different directions ; ‘ sideways ’ , ‘ forwards ’ , ‘ backwards ’ .
14 It was recognized also that selective investments might be made in unattractive industries if the SBU was the dominant operator in that industry , and similarly where attractiveness was high and the SBU 's position weak .
15 Territorial demands might be made by Arab delegates , but " as an examination of the dispute 's history makes clear , its nature is not territorial .
16 Supposing after enquiry the deaf were able to make out their case , would any Government , be it Conservative or Liberal or Labour , be justified in resisting any scheme of amelioration because similar demands might be made by other classes ?
17 More is involved in the denial of prejudice than the rebuttal of actual criticisms , which might be made by specific others .
18 A claim might be made by dissentient member States that the actions of the organisation were not in compliance with its treaty .
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