Example sentences of "might have [verb] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But they must be for ever content to owe to the English that elegance and culture , which , if they had been vigilant and active , perhaps the English might have owed to them . ’
2 I shook my head and bent back to my work , but every now and again , as I was writing or just thinking , a niggling little side-track thought would distract me , and I 'd find myself remembering Janice 's words , and wondering what exactly Uncle Rory might have hidden within his later work ( if he really had hidden anything ) .
3 You might have heard of her .
4 You might have heard of him : Terence Lewis ? ’
5 If a collector had acquired the ancient cross , Wartski 's experts might have heard of it through the dealers ' grapevine .
6 you might have heard of it and you might not .
7 Some of you might have heard about it in the press .
8 I 've been lucky to be able to launch the first concept of dread disease insurance , in South Africa you might have heard about us .
9 ‘ Well , all Heather 's friends and relatives have racked their brains for clues as to what might have become of her , as you can imagine , and I remembered her mentioning visiting you here a few months ago . ’
10 2.42 As regards the savings that would have been made by the deceased , Lord Reid thought that the widow and daughter would have had an interest in any capital that the deceased might have accumulated before his death , but he concluded that the widow might have died before her husband whereas the daughter would almost certainly have survived him .
11 Even Marie herself might have confessed to you that it was ‘ daft ’ : she saw how improbable it was , but in her desperate need for comfort , for attention and affection , she still believed it … .
12 ‘ I just thought you might have run across him .
13 Killed whatever Guy might have felt for her ?
14 ‘ I told him that he is violent , has mistreated her very badly , have been trigger happy and whatever kindness he might have done for her he had cancelled by beatings and threats he had made on her life .
15 She pro she might have done to me but I ca n't remember .
16 Thank goodness we were never occupied — not so much because of what the occupiers might have done to us , but because of what we would probably have done to each other .
17 He just , he might have done in his younger days .
18 Those who took an interest in Clara might have seen in his death the loss of an ally , because outwardly at least he appeared to be more intelligent than his wife ; at least he did not scorn in public , as she did , all efforts of the mind , and all the aims of education .
19 Leith asked , unable in her constant nagging worry about the mortgage to resist the hope that he might have referred to it , and given some indication of what he intended to do about repaying his half .
20 You 're just looking to see if there are any aspects of a person 's drive where , you know , one or two habits might have crept in which could possibly encroach upon safety margins to some extent .
21 We may say that a living body or organ is well designed if it has attributes that an intelligent and knowledgeable engineer might have built into it in order to achieve some sensible purpose , such as flying , swimming , seeing , eating , reproducing , or more generally promoting the survival and replication of the organism 's genes .
22 Deputy Head ( Staff ) pressed her about personal ambitions and about what difference the review might have made to her :
23 However much she might have set herself up to be hurt , she told herself defiantly , selecting white Bermudas and a cool Chinese-style silk blouse from her small selection of clothes , however much of a fool she might have made of herself , she would n't change a thing .
24 Of course , these are not the same sort of friends that she might have met on her débutante rounds or at Royal Ascot , but as she says , social class goes out the window beyond the prison walls .
25 But as she returned to her room and closed the door , she silently thanked him that , when rather than encroach on his privacy she might have kept to her room , he had on their arrival thought to invite her to share his sitting-room for half an hour .
26 But soon he is forced by famine to go down to Egypt , and when he is about to cross the border he resorts to a ploy which knocks him straight off any pedestal we might have erected for him .
27 There was one in particular which might have stayed in your mind .
28 She might have guessed at his answer .
29 Actually the Voice is Gandalf 's , as we might have guessed from its asperity , and as is anyway confirmed at II , 99 : it may seem fair enough to let a wizard oppose a necromancer .
30 I was beginning to have quite a good time , and might have imagined for myself a series of tragic scenes of truly poetic power and solemn grandeur , and was wondering how my dear and attractive wife would look in widow 's weeds , when this character started speaking on the radio , and totally ruined my train of thought .
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