Example sentences of "might [be] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This led some writers to suspect that the Third World , like the First World , was not of a piece , but that there might be substantial differences of kind as well as the obvious differences of degree between countries .
2 In some cases , there might be reasonable grounds for the objection ; for instance , German — in has traditionally been used to denote the wife of the man with the title , and it is not surprising that women who hold positions in their own right prefer to make that clear .
3 I do not think it wrong for a man to open his eyes , look around him and consider that there might be other roads upon which to travel . ’
4 If , on the other hand , someone had dragged his unconscious body after slugging him with Dora 's missing golf-club , there might be other shreds of cloth lying about .
5 Of course , there might be other forms of intelligent life , not dreamed of even by writers of science fiction , that did not require the light of a star like the sun or the heavier chemical elements that are made in stars and are flung back into space when the stars explode .
6 Ideally he should have indicated to them that there might be other reasons for failing to reply , other than guilt .
7 The idea of two particles so near in mass was troubling for some people and made them wonder if some misinterpretations had occurred ; in particular Patrick Blackett , another Nobel Laureate , raised a question as to whether there might be other explanations of the pion decay .
8 In other words , if precedent was followed , the package of budget cuts would be attacked piecemeal when it disappeared into the congressional maze ; even though there might be general agreement on the need to cut the budget , vested interests operating through sympathetic members could , one by one , weaken or restore specific cuts .
9 These casual workers might be close substitutes for agency workers , but WIRS does not identify them .
10 Some of these desires might be adolescent flights of fancy , which you never honestly wanted to happen .
11 One can also consider the possibility that there might be black holes with masses much less than that of the sun .
12 An integrated pool of shared first party information would overcome the data protection problems and eliminated reliance on what might be spurious data from third parties .
13 A close involvement with a class of children helps governors make sense of what otherwise might be controversial issues at governors ' meetings .
14 Whilst there might be certain advantages to be gained from the inclusion of a broader range of aggravating features in the higher categories , these are probably outweighed by the complexity this would produce .
15 THE biggest sporting deal in history might be good news for the football clubs who kick off the new Premier League but will it be good for soccer and its followers ?
16 The territory was not densely settled and while emigrants to America might be loyal subjects of Charles II , in Virginia , or might be deeply distrustful of him on religious grounds , as in New England , they were not certainly united with one another .
17 A spokesman for the City 's surveyors department said : ‘ There was an element of confusion after the blast because the Chamber of Shipping building had partially collapsed and we thought there might be similar damage to the Baltic .
18 Subject presumes perceived er speaker as pr prestigious and authoritative and they perceived that there might be future interaction with him perceived his speech is more similar to their own than subjects who were told nothing about the speaker .
19 It would have ensured that all member States were in an identical legal position and avoided the problem that some member States , but not all , might be separate parties to the particular treaty .
20 This highlights an important implication of establishing the SEM although there might be net gains to be reaped this does not mean that all participants in the process experience benefits .
21 Other soups might be spicy chicken in coconut milk or minced pork and jelly noodles with mushrooms and green vegetables .
22 It entails a planned schedule of meetings for the various teams that operate during the school year ; these might be age-phase teams in a primary school , departmental or pastoral teams in a secondary school , or groups concerned with particular issues , for example , an equal-opportunities group .
23 THE Chippendales might be great movers on stage but follow their fitness video and you 're more likely to feel the pain than the burn .
24 There might be short-term problems within the EC but , frankly , one more of those at the moment would hardly be noticed .
25 Did the subject of the know-how fund and the question whether there might be Russian secondees to British financial , legal and insurance firms as part of the effort arise ?
26 A typical journey of Grimsby 's acrylic fibre in the fleece market , for example , might be direct sales to an Italian spinner who sells his yarn to a UK knitter .
27 In smaller businesses , job reviews may only take place when the time comes to decide on salary increases and there might be little consultation with the majority of members of staff .
28 The clear consensus of the meeting was that while some visitors might be able work with us on advocacy , we were increasingly asking a growing range of contributions from such visitors .
29 Though there might be public support for better insurance programmes , if somewhat thin , because of the stagflation-induced social policy crisis , there was no ‘ mass attention , supportive sentiment , or a willingness of governmental actors to place mental health finance prominently on the agenda ’ .
30 Whilst it might be plain sailing for motorists , the residents say unless action is taken , there 's no end in sight to their misery .
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