Example sentences of "might [adv] [be] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The applicants in the main proceedings stated in that connection that there were ‘ traditional communities ’ of fishermen resident in the United Kingdom which there might arguably be a case for protecting by a requirement relating to the residence of the crew or ‘ operators ’ of fishing vessels .
2 ‘ The authorities in Northern Ireland were quite satisfied that a substantial amount of explosives was in the area , and it might only be a matter of time until this sort of activity was renewed . ’
3 They also realised that it might only be a matter of time before Poland 's enemies used the same tactic as part of a concerted effort to wipe the country from the maps again .
4 He wanted to wake up the sleepers ; but it might merely be a rabbit , or a fox .
5 One can not , of course , immediately conclude that the companion is a black hole : it might merely be a star that is too faint to be seen .
6 Operation Cuckoo might already be a non-runner ; diplomacy could break down suddenly , restoring the status quo .
7 Of course , there 's always the chance that your friends might already be a bunch of werewolves , vampires , swamp monsters and slime creatures just pretending to be normal ?
8 It was a routine call on the bereaved Mrs Place who had lost her father and who might soon be a widow , who had perhaps shed a few tears , but not very many .
9 It ‘ might just be a masterpiece ’ , he said in his report .
10 It might just be a case
11 Barring a last-minute volte-face by the MoD , the aircraft will then be at the mercy of the highest bidder , who might just be a scrap dealer .
12 Well we 'll try and get some erm we 'll look down , the next time I 'm down the library and look and see if they 've got any Enid Blyton because that might just be a way in .
13 And that time might just be a drink or a coffee — as always .
14 As a rule of thumb , when d s get down much below 0.05 , we can regard them as so small that they might just be a sampling fluke ; we will conclude that for all practical purposes there is no effect of one variable upon another , and erase arrows with very small path coefficients from our model .
15 The extra detail visible in the monkey 's brain might just be a consequence of it being bigger than the rat 's , but a comparison between the somatosensory cortices of the two animals shows that this is n't so , for this time it is in the rat that the extra detail is visible .
16 It might just be a trailer .
17 One night and morning did n't give her the right to confess her love when it might just be a burden to him .
18 The devil on stage might just be the Devil .
19 The Profitboss , in developing his contacts , never forgets that the friendly Steven Cook he met at the conference last month might just be the head of purchasing for a major customer in two years ' time .
20 It might just be the voice of support at a meeting or the follow-up on a personal problem mentioned a few days ago .
21 Gérard Depardieu might just be the exception that proves the rule .
22 Whether we actually sell it or not is irrelevant , it 's the fact that it might just be the hook to get inside someone 's house .
23 If you do n't support the sovereign right of , say , an Islamic regime to deny women their human rights , you too might just be the closet , Stamford Raffles-type of do-gooding western imperialist .
24 If people have been wavering about giving us information this might just be the thing to make them come forward
25 She might just be the key to what I 'm looking for … ’
26 He had no evidence — nothing but an anonymous letter which might easily be the work of some anti-Semite .
27 The shell only needed to hit one of the skaters — though it did indeed need to strike a target and not be wasted , as might easily be the case when fired seemingly without aiming .
28 This person might easily be the perpetrator of the crime that led to that appalling interment .
29 Their publications would do credit to any university : Libertarian Conflicts in Social Choice , by UBS Phillips & Drew 's John Wriglesworth , The Role of Crack Resistance Parameters in Polymer Wear , by Williams de Broe 's Mustapha Omar and Stellar Winds ( which might conceivably be a volume of poetry ) by Robert Fleming 's Martin Murch are just a few of the titles that leap off the page .
30 If the fight goes the distance , there might hardly be the thickness of a stamp between them unless Chris ups his recent workrate .
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