Example sentences of "might [adv] [vb infin] [vb pp] a " in BNC.

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1 There he ‘ distinguished himself for Hebrew & Mathematics ’ , and might eventually have obtained a fellowship had he still been single .
2 If perhaps the Government were to fund victim support properly , Erm , Mr who was burgled and has never got over it might perhaps have had a visit and some counselling from a victim support worker , and that would be a very good thing .
3 The event was not much talked about in the family ; it was too dreadful ; and I do n't suppose for a moment that Aunt Kate , then living abroad , would have wondered whether she , herself , might not have played a part in the sequence of events ; nor do I remember any such theory ever having been put forward or even thought of at the time .
4 Lorna Lewis might not have made a picture since a flopperoo called It Happened in Monte Carlo three years ago , but she was still Hollywood royalty .
5 Truman was reminded that it was an agreed military estimate that if Indo-China falls , ‘ very likely all of South-East Asia may come under communist domination ’ and , although it might not have seemed a very credible danger , it was pointed out that the Philippines were less than 800 miles from Indo-China .
6 The dazed expression had almost left her face and I wondered if she might not have had a slight stroke when Celia abandoned her , and was now recovering .
7 She might not have had a daughter to sing them with but she could enjoy their soulfullness on her own .
8 You might not have won a beauty if you were poor . "
9 His pupils might already have attended a reading or song school .
10 Instead , structured gestural sequences , or syntagmata as MacNeill calls them , might already have had a rudimentary grammar before they were overlaid by speech .
11 True , it would not have been seen by people in Bristol or Birmingham but it might just have struck a chord with somebody in the area where the crime was committed .
12 This will inject fresh blood and competition for the established ELT publishers , who might just have grown a little too complacent .
13 Actually , I might just have had a little to do with his death , as it occurred less than a year after the Stoves lost their only child , Esmerelda .
14 I might easily have broken a leg in that fall .
15 Lancashire might easily have lost a second wicket when Nick Speak backed up too far .
16 But if I had been given the chance when I was younger I might easily have made a mistake and gone for good looks and he might have turned out to be Old Nick to live with .
17 There is nothing God-given about any particular system of measurement ; intelligent life on another planet might easily have evolved a method of assessing people 's incomes which involved multiplying by a fixed amount for each increment .
18 Nevertheless , the resolution might still have won a majority had it not been for the stolen goods in the outhouse .
19 She might still have shed a few tears when the dogs were put down but those tears could have represented a fitting tribute of respect to lovely creatures whom human beings treat so shabbily .
20 Having spent £25,775 on computerisation , the doctors might reasonably have expected a 50 per cent .
21 I might also have said a nihilist .
22 Astute readers might also have found a small note , placed in the magazine 's gossip column , referring to the front page story and reminding readers that it was 1 April — placed there by Birbeck as a precautionary measure .
23 A more inquiring mind might also have drawn a different conclusion from the most peculiar episode in the book , which concerns the death in Liege in 1922 of a young man called Kleine .
24 They might also have started a family .
25 Were one to substitute the word ‘ nature ’ for the ‘ nature of art history ’ , then Degas might unwittingly have written a fitting description of this most recent book on his work .
26 Furthermore , if world sugar prices had remained high , Moscow might even have realised a profit in its Cuban trade by reselling imported sugar on the world market ’ ( Gouré and Weinkle : 1972 , p. 75 ) .
27 We might even have experienced a glow of self-righteousness , believing that we were helping to solve a , social problem' .
28 Again , the trade guilds probably had enough storage space in their own guild-halls for the coffin and cloaks , they might even have had a private stock of candles .
29 We might even have had a decent election and the country might have been saved a good deal earlier , but everyone knows that that is how we got here .
30 If he 'd been thrown in cold against Juventus 's £8 million man , McLaren might well have suffered a very different fate from the rave reviews that greeted his outstanding display .
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