Example sentences of "show that [pron] [vb -s] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A booklet put out in 1900 by the Franco-American Food Company of Jersey City made the point that its canned tomato soup was a spiced rather than a sweet one , " and our increasing sales of this variety show that it suits the taste of the majority .
2 In addition , recent calculations of the total plume heat flux show that it matches the expected heat flux from the Earth 's core .
3 Top management must devote time to communications and also show that it has a real commitment to improving communications
4 Gone are the days when organisations automatically recruited new graduates irrespective of their degree topic on the basis that three years at university show that someone has the intelligence and application needed to hold down a job .
5 In this paper , we show that there exists an inverse correlation between the amount of mRNA produced by isogenic wild-type , mutant and revertant cells and the amount of a nuclear DNA binding factor containing Jun and Fos .
6 The irony of it is this : events will show that he has no need to pray for deliverance from Esau ; he needs instead to pray for deliverance from God .
7 In my judgment the principle established by the authorities to which I have referred ( other than the Manchester Corporation case [ 1891 ] 1 Q.B. 94 ) is that any corporation , whether trading or non-trading , which can show that it has a corporate reputation ( as distinct from that of its members ) which is capable of being damaged by a defamatory statement , can sue in libel to protect that reputation , in the same way as can a natural person , although there will of course be certain types of statement which can not defame an artificial person .
8 And one can show that it has a discrete inhibitor specificity compared with the inositol trisphosphate gated calcium channel in that this one is specifically inhibited by a plant alkaloid known as rhinadin .
9 Unless the inviting church can show that it has the capacity within itself to attract and retain the outsider , it is unlikely to do so as the result of a brief visit from an itinerant evangelist , no matter how gifted .
10 A perusal of the French text shows that it uses the phrase ‘ exigences importantes ’ , which appears to bear a family resemblance to the phrase ‘ exigences impératives ’ used in the french texts of judgments following the Cassis de Dijon case law and rendered into English as ‘ mandatory requirements ’ .
11 This behaviour is typical of the several meals we have investigated using scintigraphic techniques , and shows that it represents a physiological relevant test meal .
12 The lower equilibrium price in Germany shows that it has a comparative advantage in producing this good .
13 Vitamin E : research shows that it interrupts the free radical chain of destruction and so can slow down the ageing process .
14 With the wisdom of hindsight and the benefit of several years ' experience , I now see that analysis , particularly involving econometric models , shows that it brings a reduction in employment .
15 Vodafone Group Plc claims that a survey by the Office of Telecommunications shows that it provides the best quality of service available to mobile phone users : Vodafone has more than 820,000 of the 1.4m UK subscribers and in its first quality survey Oftel monitored 120 routes across the UK , finding that Vodafone had an overall success rate for call connection of 93% against 88.7% for Cellnet Mobile Communications Ltd ; some 95.8% of calls on Vodafone 's network from mobile to fixed line phones were set up and completed at the first attempt , said Oftel , compared with 92.5% on Cellnet 's network ; fixed to mobile on the same basis were 92.4% for Vodafone and 89.8% for Cellnet ; Cellnet reckons it comes out tops in trials of hand portables in the Greater London area .
16 It 's a good sign if he has loved someone a lot , it shows that he has a capacity for love . ’
17 On the whole , he shows that he has the potential to spell well , and with some specific teaching , should be able to correct himself .
18 THE firmly closed position of her feet and knees and the way she points her knees away from her husband shows that she feels no signs of affection towards him .
19 Experience in 1989 showed that it makes an excellent garden stake .
20 If it could still be shown that it remains an effective expression of democracy , that would indeed be a reason ; for any diminution of democracy is deplorable .
21 The Spirit has shown that he validates the Christian mission among Jews , proselytes , ‘ Godfearers ’ ( as Gentile adherents on the fringe of the synagogue were called ) , and even outsiders like eunuchs and Samaritans .
22 You draw it to show that it has a mirror image so what you find in practice is that it and it 's mirror image are not superimposable .
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