Example sentences of "show that [adj] [unc] [no cls] " in BNC.

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1 Data provided by Wall ( 1988 ) show that 10 per cent of those aged 65 + in Holland reside in an institution ; this is the highest percentage in Europe .
2 Data from 1976 for women specifically show that 14 per cent of women whose marriages were intact were living in someone else 's household ( the most popular choice being the wife 's parents ) , but for divorced and separated women the figure rose to 61 per cent .
3 The results , based on replies from nearly 16 0000 schoolchildren , aged 8 to 20 , in the counties of Cumbria and Tyne and Wear , show that 17 per cent of the children smoke one cigarette or more per week .
4 Official studies show that 70 per cent of Soviets estimate that they are not working to their full capacity , only nine per cent aspire to posts with greater responsibility , while 13 per cent actually prefer jobs with less responsibility , even if they are less well paid .
5 Q : Statistics show that 80 per cent of dog attacks take place in the home — how would muzzling in public prevent this ?
6 Government statistics show that 74 per cent of women in managerial and administrative positions have no children , and that is hardly likely to be a coincidence .
7 Her tables show that 16 per cent of the households containing a married couple with a partner aged 65–74 in 1971 and 23.5 per cent of married couple households with a partner aged 75 and over in 1971 had dissolved to a lone person household by 1981 .
8 Wenger 's data show that 43 per cent of elderly people named as a confidant someone they had known for at least 50 years , and 75 per cent named someone they had known for 30 years .
9 Surviving papers relating to the removal of 433 paupers and vagrants between 1740 and 1762 show that 40 per cent of these unfortunates had come from other parts of East Anglia , 15 per cent had travelled up to 100 miles , 6 per cent had started from London and Middlesex and 39 per cent originated elsewhere , including thirty-three people from Scotland and sixteen from Ireland .
10 The report quotes government figures which show that 40 per cent of toxic metals entering the north-east Atlantic comes from British rivers .
11 HORSES sound a good bet when figures show that 88 per cent of stake money is returned in prize money .
12 Recent German statistics show that 30 per cent of retired people who have nothing that interests them , die within a year of retirement , regardless of the age at which they retired .
13 Statistics show that 12 per cent of this lumpy skin is formed in puberty , 16 per cent occurs when women put on weight and 27 per cent forms just before the menopause begins .
14 A British expert , David Taylor , who attended the conference as a member of the International Zoo Veterinary Group , did not rule out the virus theory despite tests which show that 25 per cent of the dolphins appeared not to have been affected .
15 In the South-East ( excluding London ) — one of the richest areas of the kingdom — Government data show that 73 per cent of households will be gainers under the new tax .
16 A study from a village in Bangladesh shows that 16 per cent of its families owned 55 per cent of the cropped land , and 46 per cent of the cattle .
17 Basing her analysis on data from a large-scale , representative sample of women and men at the age of 23 , she shows that 16 per cent of single working-class men and 22 per cent of single working-class women were living with kin at the time of the survey .
18 Research shows that 85 per cent of all franchised small firms succeed .
19 The survey , commissioned by GMB Scotland , shows that 42 per cent of Scottish households do not have a car and that a majority of the Scottish population are either totally or partially dependent on public transport .
20 The American study shows that 95 per cent of women whose cancer was found by mammogram lived for at least five years , compared with only 75 per cent of those who found lumps after self-examination .
21 Experience shows that 80 per cent of HIV cases will go on to develop Aids , on average within eight years .
22 Indeed , the probability is ( one survey shows that 41 per cent of people name speaking in public as their greatest fear ) that just under half of them do not enjoy presenting .
23 Anderson 's analysis of Preston 's immigration patterns , as revealed by the mid-nineteenth century census returns , shows that 70 per cent of the population were born outside the town .
24 Another study reported by the Equal Opportunities Commission ( address on page 146 ) in their book Carers and Services , which compares the situation of men and women looking after dependent elderly relations , shows that 59 per cent of all carers are women .
25 The joint report shows that 49 per cent of nurses in Northern Ireland say there are empty posts in their workplaces .
26 An opinion poll conducted by MORI for the Labour Party shows that 12 per cent of Conservative voters would be fairly or very likely to switch parties if the Government goes ahead with its plans , Mr Cook said .
27 AA research shows that 64 per cent of motorists use their cars for this purpose -among them , semi-skilled and unskilled workers for whom the car is an absolute necessity .
28 ** A report by Scottish National Heritage , English Nature and the Countryside Council for Wales shows that 25 per cent of the area of the UK 's sites of special scientific interest ( SSIs ) have been severely damaged by acid fallout from power stations , industry and vehicle exhausts .
29 The most recent surveys showed that 72 per cent of homeworkers earned less than the statutory minimum established by the Wages Council ( which the present government is hoping to abolish ) .
30 The launch of the scheme follows surveys which showed that 80 per cent of cars entering the city have only one occupant .
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