Example sentences of "seem to have [been] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But , generally , Ollie seemed to have been good for him and brought his character out a lot .
2 It seemed to have been present with her throughout her sleep so promptly had it appeared when she woke .
3 He seemed to have been stuck in this shabby , overheated room for days .
4 Though some of them seem to have been familiar with the writings of some of the others , each worked independently and developed a personal view of the mystical life .
5 However , there are different kinds of planners — the Orcadian planners seem to have been unreceptive to public opinion whereas in Shetland they may have been younger and more immature but they listened to complaints .
6 Local goldsmiths evidently learnt from this , but in general Greek craftsmen and patrons seem to have been content with their own style .
7 The foundations of the later temples largely obscure the plans of their predecessors but , from the patchy remains that have been investigated , the older temples seem to have been similar in style , scale and layout to the later temples , although they were perhaps slightly less complicated .
8 At least two coaches seem to have been involved in a collision in the Leopoldstadt , near the canal .
9 But certainly the family and descendants of Judas of Galilee seem to have been involved in many of the more ambitious , more co-ordinated , more professional Zealot enterprises .
10 Many providers seem to have been able to ‘ capture ’ the market place , safe in the knowledge that they are in a better position than purchasers to favourably influence the local and national political environments to their advantage .
11 Unlike the French , the English song-composers were still wide open to Italian influence — and to the new monodic style before the Germans seem to have been aware of it .
12 The DES seem to have been aware of this problem by 1984 when Educational Support Grants ( ESG ) were established ( DES , 1984 ) offering funds to LEAs to appoint consultant teachers who would work with pupils alongside classroom teachers developing practices in curriculum areas which the DES perceived as important .
13 The Minoans seem to have been self-sufficient in terms of basic needs , which must have put them in a position of trading strength , but they relied on imports for supplies of exotic raw materials for the manufacture of luxury goods .
14 From the outset , commentators seem to have been astonished at the great interest the competition evoked .
15 ‘ There were quite a few interesting pieces , notably miniatures from children 's sets , which seem to have been popular in Holland in those earlier periods . ’
16 The earliest deposits of Eurodollars seem to have been those in the Moscow Narodny Bank in London and that of another USSR owned bank in Paris .
17 Old William Cranko and his nephew Frederick both seem to have been fond of feminine company .
18 The English Association was set up to promote the maintenance of " correct use of English , spoken and written " , the recognition of English as " an essential element in the national education " , and the discussion of teaching methods and advanced study as well as the correlation of school with university work.48 From the beginning , personnel attached to the new Board of Education seem to have been sympathetic to the view of English as the most natural candidate to lead a mission of cultural renewal : at any rate , from its inception the English Association set out to ensure that such was the case .
19 We seem to have been harsh in criticising the " in rough then neat " writers .
20 The fact that they had contentious articles written with a fearless pungency seems to have been due to his joint editorship of both .
21 He remained there for about two years before returning to England in July 1657 to take up a position as mathematics tutor to Joscelyne Percy , son of Algernon Percy , tenth Earl of Northumberland [ q.v. ] , at Petworth , an appointment which seems to have been due to the influence of the Puritan reformer Samuel Hartlib [ q.v . ] .
22 Although some may be quick to say that the vast majority of the book was actually written by Bullett , and not by Freud , no less than the actual intellectual framework of the book apparently seems to have been due to Freud 's input , er , Freud certainly was psychoanalytically trained , in any , in any sense of the word .
23 The General Medical Services Committee 's working party seems to have been unconcerned about how the public and politicians might view its proposals — otherwise it would not have proposed to increase professional control over a system already under challenge for partiality , lack of openness , and professional control .
24 Most of the high-tech inward investment in Ireland is concentrated around Dublin and in Cork , and it seems to have been remiss on the part of the Industrial 7Development Agency that having enticed DEC to Galway , it was not able to turn the town into a centre of high-tech inward investment so that if DEC — or others — pulled out , there was every chance of attracting new ones .
25 Editor , — The working party set up to make recommendations on a national standard of entry into general practice seems to have been unaware of European Community directive 86/457/EEC .
26 Freud seems to have been right in seeing that , at least in Christianity and its associated arts , both in works positively related to it and those antagonistic to it , there is to be found the theme of God the Father , and God the Son , who is sacrificed and eaten in Holy Communion .
27 He seems to have been content with his wife , though he saw little enough of her in the years which followed .
28 Furthermore , the juxtaposition of particular historical , political events with economic forces often seems to have been decisive in stimulating defensive reactions by employers .
29 Equity seems to have been prominent in your career very early on .
30 Seppings , who used to say ‘ partial strength produces general weakness ’ , seems to have been one of the first Naval Architects to have a clear mental picture of the stress systems in a ship 's hull .
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