Example sentences of "seem have been [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 But alas , most seemed to have been born with only one or just mislaid the other on the way .
2 I found that my grasp on the image itself was now hazy , the very mechanisms of my mind seemed to have been injected with lobal anaesthetic , blown up into a fuzzy ineptitude .
3 The racegoers from the train were on the whole easily identifiable as they all seemed to have been issued with large red and white rosettes with Race Train passenger emblazoned on them in gold : and the rosettes proved not to be confined to those in the front half of the train because I came across Zak wearing one too , and he told me that everyone had been given one , the owners included , and where was mine ?
4 Jessamy suddenly grew tired of the silly games that everyone seemed to have been playing with her lately .
5 The whole school seemed to have been designed with the sole purpose of freezing all the pupils to death .
6 The striking head is difficult to parallel stylistically , and the teeth seem to have been cut with an abrasive wheel which would not have been available in the Americas before the Spanish conquest .
7 In fact , ever since the beginning of the year you seem to have been toying with the idea of making a major career move or change of residence and what transpires sometimes between October 29 and November 3 should enable you to rebuild and reshape your life — and the past with all its traumas and dramas will be placed in their true perspective , if not forgotten altogether .
8 Thanks to Lil , Engineering is now mostly run by feisty little females who seem to have been born with spanners in their hands and quantum physics on the brain .
9 In the Irish general election of 1989 PR might at first sight of the figures seem to have been provided with remarkably close approximation to perfect accuracy : A favourable impression would , however , be superficial and misleading .
10 As far as can be seen from aerial photographs and minor excavations , most of the main streets seem to have been lined with strip buildings , which are usually interpreted as shops and workshops .
11 THE future of services for the mentally ill in mid Essex seems to have been decided with plans for a merger with the area 's community health NHS trust .
12 However , the major objection to high levels of government expenditure seems to have been associated with the need for correspondingly high levels of revenue collection .
13 The most notable English progressive was Walter Porter ( c. 1588–1659 ) , who claimed Monteverdi as his ‘ good Friend and Maestro ’ and certainly seems to have been acquainted with the master 's Seventh Book ; indeed one madrigal , ‘ Wake Sorrow , Wake ’ , can be dated to 1615 , earlier than the Seventh Book .
14 This aspect of his treatment therefore seems to have been managed with some success .
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