Example sentences of "where he [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Davide had turned up a coin , one afternoon , when he was mooning around ; it was a common enough type , the professor told him in the museum at Riba , where he took it for an opinion .
2 Yeah I wonder where he took it to , you wan na try Dunscroft down at bottom , see what they do
3 In his History of the Abbots Bede says that Ecgberht , king of Kent , sent a certain Wigheard to Rome where he wished him to be consecrated archbishop , and only subsequently in the Ecclesiastical History does Bede report that Oswiu and Ecgberht consulted together on what action to take about a successor to Deusdedit and that they agreed on the choice of one of Deusdedit 's clergy , Wigheard , whom they sent to Rome to be consecrated ( HE III , 29 ) .
4 He accompanied his trainees on lunchtime booze-ups in the local pub where he regaled them with stories of his hectic social life .
5 He began seeing a Hollywood writer , Florrie Christmas , whom he took to Jamaica , where he drank himself into a stupor daily .
6 ‘ I do n't know where he gets it from ! ’
7 ‘ I do n't know where he gets it from ; certainly not from poor old Sidney . ’
8 The linoleum beside the chest was badly stained by spills from the big white pot where he relieved himself at night when the house was very quiet and scary .
9 No explanation of where he got them from .
10 ‘ Has n't anyone asked where he got them from ? ’ inquired Scarlet , who still imagined , in her innocence , that in a developed society blatant wrongdoing could not go unobserved and unmentioned .
11 Do n't ask me where he got it from .
12 And you know where he got it from , do n't you ? ’
13 See I do n't know where he got it from , because he did n't give us th questions out of this book .
14 He plucked an apple from his pocket , God knows where he got it from , and gave it to the horse who munched it greedily .
15 ‘ He 's a clever boy , ’ Sidney said , ‘ but I ca n't think where he gas it from . ’
16 Arrangements for the separation are made , an intermediary visits her in Brighton , where he finds her on the pier reading a novel , ‘ the title of which remains unknown ’ .
17 Keeton spent three years there before returning to Cambridge , where he established himself as a private tutor to Law students , while he waited to be invited to fill a vacancy for a legal appointment in the Foreign Office .
18 Langland 's imaginative perception of Will 's growth from experiencing this tension as destructive to a state where he sees it as the opportunity for love parallels the written witness of the mystics .
19 The benefits of this system can be demonstrated by the example of the trader who carted a crate of whetstones from Craven Arms , or possibly from Stony Stratford , to Wroxeter for a market day , where he found himself in the company of other merchants selling mortaria as well as samian ware from Gaul .
20 My boss is getting to the position where he wants lots of information from me .
21 Akroyd Stuart was elected a member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in 1901 , but a few years previously he had emigrated to Australia , where he involved himself in the design and manufacture of the Akroyd patent down-draught gas producer .
22 He then moved to Sydney , where he confined himself to private practice , designing mainly houses .
23 Steele escaped only weeks ago from Edinburgh prison and turned up in London where he glued himself to the railings at Buckingham Palace to protest his innocence before being re-arrested. escape , Steele telephoned the Daily Record newspaper .
24 With an introduction from Rhys I enjoyed several interesting meetings with Corliss Lamont in New York , where he presented me with a copy of his book ‘ You Might Like Socialism ’ .
25 He retired from the Army in 1948 and returned once more to his estate at Bishopton , where he devoted himself to farm improvements .
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