Example sentences of "where the [noun pl] [verb] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Third , although some comparison between my present experience and others is necessary for me to know what words to use in description , and although such comparison , especially in the case where the objects compared are a past and a present experience , is fallible ( since memory is fallible ) , still the comparison is not what I am trying to express when I try to express my beliefs about my present experience alone .
2 Learning from France , where the games had been concentrated on the Mediterranean and the Atlantic coasts , in Italy the organisers instead decided to spread the games across the country from Sardinia and Sicily to Abruzzi and Venice .
3 The only free places were where the swans have been .
4 This is where the swans have been spending the regatta — at Egham just off the M25 in Surrey — it 's just been made the national swan sanctuary and has around 100 birds at any one time .
5 ‘ ( a ) where the goods have been sold without any stipulation as to credit ; ( b ) where the goods have been sold on credit , but the term of credit has expired ; ( c ) where the buyer becomes insolvent . ’
6 ‘ ( a ) where the goods have been sold without any stipulation as to credit ; ( b ) where the goods have been sold on credit , but the term of credit has expired ; ( c ) where the buyer becomes insolvent . ’
7 He could see men coming away now , too , from where the ships had been put : the first job , and the heaviest he had shared with his father .
8 The Scapegoat had been secured by ‘ wrists ’ and ‘ ankles ’ to the inner ring and Wycliffe thought he could make out the four points where the ropes had been .
9 You see the only way that you can really discipline them is when you have a school where the rules have been very , very strict from the moment that they went into that school and they have had their noses held to the grindstone with work up to their brows and they just do n't think of being tiresome and anybody who is tiresome is pulled out and put in a special room on their own , called a sin bin an which is rather boring and made to work even harder !
10 As the effect is due to lack of information rather than any hard evidence of the situation , it can be removed by ensuring that everyone knows where the resources have been allocated and why .
11 ( The floods , incidentally , are increasingly catastrophic because of the poor or non-existent conservation policy in the catchment areas where the forests have been recklessly and wantonly felled .
12 When the Friar reached the point where the horses had been caught and where Marian and Hugh escaped into the woods he was barely half-an-hour behind them .
13 They were called back again later to concrete the area where the horses had been buried fears of health hazards had been expressed because Mr Edelson had not had the animals preserved in any way .
14 This was the road where the bagpipes had been hit by a piece of shrapnel .
15 They had a post office in that location ; it had been there protected under Treaty and by the League of Nations for nearly 20 years , and that was where the stamps had been issued .
16 He had hardly finished his remark when there was a terrifying roar overhead as a salvo of shells crashed into the area near to where the Germans had been mortaring .
17 The woods of Lothlorien where the Elves dwelt was a wonderful place but now it will wither .
18 The rock towered on the horizon where the posts had been .
19 should have restored all your backed-up files , including those where the subdirectories have been removed .
20 There remained only a cardboard box lodged behind where the journals had been .
21 Another strong link is that the areas of inefficiency and non-collection are the very areas where the Conservatives have been scoring the most remarkable by-election victories in terms of council seats .
22 The attentive service offered by the management is most obvious in the dining-room where the meals served are appetizing and varied .
23 Nogai stood in his stirrups to see where the outriders had been placed .
24 It is very difficult to do this satisfactorily ; the experienced reader can nearly always see where the joins have been made and , of course , for the student the exercise in beginning research has been carried out the wrong way round .
25 Even in Palestine , where the Persians had been good rulers , there had been troubles , if our confused evidence is to be trusted at all ( c .
26 4*/5* MAXPLAN Replacement keys and locks for external door locks for safes and alarms where the keys have been LOST or STOLEN .
27 2*/3* Replacement and fitting of external door locks of the private residence where the keys have been STOLEN .
28 A sensible way to proceed is to compare the estimated sum of square residuals from equation ( 3.19 ) , say , with those obtained from equation ( 3.20 ) where the restrictions have been imposed , where the denotes an estimated value of the variable .
29 The range from the firing point to where the rounds impacted was between 35 metres ( the shot that hit Barling ) and 30 metres ( the ones that hit the pillar ) … ’
30 The two most prolonged battles of this kind , at Mavisbank near Edinburgh and Pell Wall in Shropshire , are cases where the owners have been deaf to every offer to take on the house and restore it .
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