Example sentences of "same could be say [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The same could be said about Tokyo .
2 She said a real man is someone who knows what he 's about , who knows himself and can be relaxed about himself , and I think the same could be said about the ideal guest .
3 Mind you , I expect much the same could be said about my second-year essays if I 'm absolutely honest .
4 Seven months on , how I wish the same could be said for the rest .
5 If the perceptions of Paisley 's critics are revealing of their underlying attitudes , the same could be said for the perceptions of his supporters .
6 I explained this last point to one witch and he said that the same could be said for Christianity .
7 The same could be said for Christianity .
8 I wish the same could be said for the piano he uses : it is clearly in need of a tune in the first of the Valses-Caprices .
9 But as with Gibson 's non-reverse Thunderbirds — and remember , until a few years ago the same could be said for Fender Jaguars and Jazzmasters — they are just not currently de rigueur .
10 Would that the same could be said for another competition that takes place at this time of the year — England 's County Championship finals .
11 The same could be said for Bailey 's life : nothing is as it appears .
12 The same could be said for his successor .
13 ‘ But the same could be said for a number of less actively traded companies on the full list .
14 The same could be said for many a flat in many English provincial cities .
15 The same could be said for Adrian Maguire who got his big chance when Martin Pipe was looking for someone to ride the former Scott-trained Omerta in the Cheltenham Kim Muir in 1991 and Homer recommended Maguire who at that time was unknown outside the point-to-point field .
16 The same could be said for Belgium .
17 Conrad said of The Secret Agent , another book about revolutionaries , cranks , crooks , somnambulists , peripherals and phantasmagoricals , that it was written ‘ in scorn as well as in pity ’ , and the same could be said of Guerrillas .
18 The same could be said of the TSB while if you sell shares at such low prices that they guarantee the buyers an instant and spectatular profit then a lot of people are going to say : ‘ Thank you very much indeed ’ .
19 Man is a god in ruins , thought Emerson , and perhaps at the end of the twentieth century much the same could be said of his world , a still beautiful but ravaged paradise which , regardless of the tenets of sustainable development will not be passed on to the next century in better or even the same condition , in fact , almost certainly in worse condition as a result of meeting the needs of another billion or so people .
20 Much the same could be said of Singapore .
21 The same could be said of most of these awards , which are simply a perk of the post , along with the £60,000 or £70,000 salary , retirement at sixty , and an index-linked pension thereafter .
22 Much the same could be said of Atlas of Ore Minerals except that the impact is reduced by the smaller and very slightly less well reproduced pictures ( of polished sections here ) .
23 Yet despite a modulatory and harmonic palette occasionally redolent of mid-Classicism , his employment of formal procedures unmistakably harks back to the bygone era ( much the same could be said of Mozart 's church music ) .
24 The same could be said of the recent Starfield and Chandler ranges , both of which we have looked at lately , and if this steering away from routine duplication is indeed a new trend , then it 's one which I applaud wholeheartedly .
25 The same could be said of the Shakespearean or Homeric frame .
26 But if you do live in a village you will almost certainly know your vicar , and the same could be said of inner-city communities .
27 ( The same could be said of Hafaz Assad in Syria , or Todor Zhivkov in Bulgaria , though perhaps to a lesser degree . )
28 The same could be said of his father Denethor , to whom Gandalf again makes the point that even unhandled the Ring can be dangerous : ‘ if you had received this thing , it would have overthrown you .
29 The same could be said of England ‘ B ’ because , apart from the regular England XV , many others — e.g. Redman , Robinson , Rodber , Pears , Hill , Hall , Heslop and Oti — were n't considered or available .
30 Exactly the same could be said of Leyland — and indeed it was , in the British press .
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