Example sentences of "seem [adv] [adv] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Since no scientist was prepared to sit down and do a comparable amount of research in order to demolish a theory which seemed so patently to be a load of rubbish , they all simply cried ‘ Rubbish ! ’ and stamped their feet .
2 After thirty years of British rule , observed the distinguished scholar-administrator Henry Fosbrooke , they displayed none of the distressing symptoms of that ‘ soul erosion ’ , defined by him as a ‘ deterioration in obedience to existing moral standards , a falling off in observance of organized religion , a lack of purpose in life ’ , which seemed so often to be the result of British efforts to bring civilization to the African .
3 It was easy to sink into a sort of limbo , where nothing seemed any longer to be as important as it had been .
4 We 've got Gerry Addams who er wanted earlier in the week if we were to believe what seemed now like to be sitting at a table discussing peace , there he is carrying a bomber 's coffin .
5 I did all I could to encourage Bernstein to chat with John , who seemed even then to be developing into one of Canada 's most versatile and brilliant conductors .
6 Too small even to be found on many maps , too hidden for any of its innocent affairs to be worthy of attention , Granard seemed no longer to be part of the priest 's past .
7 These books were also very dated , in that they were joky — look at me being clever , they seemed too often to be crying .
8 There are times when attacks on the lesbian and gay communities seem very clearly to be an attempted stirring-up of popular hatred as a diversion of attention from society 's real problems , and times when the readiness of the government to pander to that hatred looks even more sinister .
9 In short , the phylogenetic basis of the id seems most definitely to be a set of basically egoistic and anti-social sexual and aggressive drives which cause all men to see each other as sexual rivals and which make sons desire the death of their fathers for possession of the mother and sisters .
10 Yet an evaluation seems so often to be understood more as a sort of independent commission of enquiry undertaken at a fairly late stage in the life of a programme or project by ‘ experts ’ from outside whose findings may or may not be in straightforward language .
11 The weekly covers things he more or less knows about and it seems more often to be of more direct concern to him and his family than an event that happened elsewhere .
12 There is still a lot of competition from cheaper second-hand aircraft , although now that the Piper Cadet seems no longer to be in production perhaps the market is somewhat more restricted .
13 In the case of the HWIM system the answer seems very clearly to be ‘ yes ’ .
14 It does not seem any longer to be a system of dominance and subordination .
15 All this may seem quite enough to be going on with for ordinary mortals , but , amazingly , Muddle informs us ‘ Southwell is just a guinea-pig for Telford ’ .
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