Example sentences of "seem [prep] we to [be] " in BNC.

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1 But George was a born Canadian and knew no more about China than I did ; he shared with me the wish and determination to visit China , which seemed to us to be a land of fabulous culture .
2 As the intervention system remains entirely in place , and as the Community has not decided to try to make savings by reforming the system to make it less attractive , it seemed to us to be the wrong way to tackle the problem .
3 This work seems to us to be truly depraving and corrupting unlike some sex films which offend solely on grounds of impropriety .
4 In general , the wider ( and often cheaper ) choice of credit types which is opened up by monthly-paid bank accounts seems to us to be , on its own , a big enough advantage to outweigh what is really the temporary awkwardness of change to a new set of habits .
5 It seems to us to be an evolutionary survival factor : the more intelligent a species , the more likely it is to survive in the long term ; this is a reasonable hypothesis , but it can hardly be considered as any more than that .
6 In the case of pain , on the other hand , it seems to us to be a substantive and yet not to be the name of a material object .
7 The third interpretation seems to us to be the one which is in line with the philosophy of valuing and supporting each individual , reflected in the growing advocacy movement .
8 firstly , the interpretation of normalisation which seems to us to be in line with the sense of direction of the self-advocacy movement recognising that people with learning difficulties need to be seen as autonomous individuals with their own rights of self-determination ;
9 This dictum was followed by the opinion of the Lord Advocate ( Mr. Graham Murray ) and the Dean of Faculty ( Mr. Asher ) on November 2 , 1893 , that " the fitness of the applicant seems to us to be the only question upon which , on an application for a transfer , the magistrates may exercise their discretion " ; and by the opinion of the town clerk of Glasgow ( December 18 , 1894 ) , that , if satisfied that the applicant is a suitable person , " all usual and more general considerations must be reserved till the annual licensing period . "
10 We are very concerned that in in making provision for housing through to the year two thousand and six , we should not be making provision for that level of vacancy rate , which seems to us to be artificially high when compared with the the national figures .
11 Now , could argue that Greater York could be bigger or smaller , the local government commission , erm er there report is a very interesting read , I mean a number of the options that they 've looked at would be a gra er a city of York going out to the ring road , erm that might be one option , there 's a there there idea of of Greater York , they did harden , they did see some merit in in a Greater York unitary authority based on the Greater York planning study I think , erm whether that is going to come to pass only Mr Gummer presumably er knows , so my idea of Greater York is that it 's an area which is tied socially and economically to the city , you could argue as mobility increases , as the A ni nineteen is improved up through the County that really Northallerton now is perhaps more within the sphere of influence of York than it was ten years ago , erm e it was probably to a degree influenced by York even twenty years ago , erm I do n't think er there is much to be gained by debating where Greater York ought to be , the Secretary of State previously has n't been bothered about er amending it er it seems to us to be the reasonable area , and it 's a combination of five districts , erm erm erm who who who hopefully should be working together towards sorting out the er other problems of Greater York .
12 Now that seems to us to be a very good way forward in establishing a framework for for the consideration of those sort of proposals .
13 Of course , ‘ Little Bangs ’ would necessarily be widely separated , so it is perfectly possible that there simply are n't any near enough to us to be detected : in an infinite Universe , our local patch — vast though that volume of space might seem to us to be — would be very small indeed .
14 It does not seem to us to be particularly fruitful to discuss highly generalised theories of whether international law is or could be ‘ law ’ as such : if viewed from the perspective of ‘ effectiveness ’ , international law may have to be judged differently , depending on whether , for example , the focus is on regional economic relations regulated by treaties , or on customary law applicable to the laws of war on a universal scale .
15 Most of the other examples cited in Bolinger 's article as adjectives capable only of sense-qualification do not seem to us to be properly so classified either ; if they are felt to be atypical it is for some other reason .
16 ‘ They do n't seem to us to be acting very sensibly , ’ says Thomas , quietly .
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