Example sentences of "number [prep] [noun pl] [conj] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 All that 's changed is the way the formula 's been applied , and the number of calls that counts towards the formula .
2 As he makes clear , this is only of benefit when the average number of records that has overflowed from a track is two or more .
3 This has taken a number of forms and has not spread as widely as some of its supporters might have hoped .
4 The standard molar entropies for a number of elements and compounds at 25°C are given in table 5.12 .
5 Each department takes a different number of outlooks and takes them from different sources .
6 Meiosis , you will remember , is the special kind of cell division that halves the number of chromosomes and gives rise to sperm cells or egg cells .
7 In fairness , it must be said that the professions have worked out a number of checks and balances to this system , and a common alternative to a percentage fee , hourly rates , can work out as an even more expensive open cheque drawn on the public purse .
8 This month 's is going to be a very practical lesson featuring a number of phrases and riffs from various musical situations that use 4th intervals .
9 However , it can be used if you can ‘ read ’ your card and work out the maximum number of tucks or loops you will be collecting .
10 A high probability that media damage will result from mishandling by operators , owing to the number of mounts and dismounts required .
11 This is a remarkably small number of cases and needs further examination .
12 The Americans , called on to prove their sincerity , could only do so in terms of the number of Hawks and TOWs that had already been shipped .
13 The potential pathogenicity of free radicals has been emphasised by recent work which suggests that reactive oxygen metabolities are not just one of a number of mediators and cytokines involved in the inflammatory process in inflammatory bowel disease but may have a pivotal role by initiating the expression of genes controlling may other aspects of the inflammatory , immune , and acute phase response , by activation of the transcription factor NF-kΒ .
14 Well er in the early days , erm there were occasions where erm if I may say so , that , that just to divert for a moment , the scheme had to have supervision , and there was an increase in the staff , the number of foremen and chargehands increased .
15 Work in the field is scattered between a number of approaches and takes as its subject differing historical periods and geographical areas .
16 These fabrics come in various gauges , referred to by the number of holes or threads to 2.5 cm ( 1 ″ ) .
17 Practitioners have identified a number of skills and attributes necessary to be successful including :
18 A 13-page report lists a catalogue of concerns from a number of agencies and reveals that 1,772 individuals have submitted objections .
19 A working group made up of clinicians , consultants , GPs and other health professionals has looked at a number of options and has recommended that services be consolidated , and accommodation improvements made , at the Chest Hospital .
20 As hydrogen bonds are thermally labile a rise in T reduces the number of bonds and causes eventual phase separation .
21 The difficulty was this : he wanted to increase the elevation to creep forward over those last 300 yards ( he did not dare exceed the two-pound charge ) but , as every gunner knows , increasing the elevation beyond five degrees can be a risky business ; it is not the great number of rounds that destroys a cannon but the high elevation at which it is fired .
22 Fashanu has carried the injury for a number of weeks and has had to endure two hours of daily stretching on a rack to ease the pain .
23 To compound the difficulties , the track itself is a figure-of-eight , with a dizzying number of twists and turns .
24 Once more , Huy had no opportunity to see out , but guessed from the number of twists and turns it made that they were taking a deliberately tortuous route .
25 There are no real limits , other than disk storage , to the number of sizes and styles you could produce using Fontware but it can be very frustrating to find that the size you want is n't there and have to go back to the font compiler to produce it .
26 The Association of British Insurers ' new grouping for all cars more than doubles the number of categories and sorts out many anomalies .
27 There are , of course , an increasing number of exceptions but concerns still exist about the time involvement of clinicians and whether it represents the most valuable use of their time .
28 The action starts with a number of implausibilities and works its way towards a world-class coincidence .
29 The measure of life events used was one which had been developed by Brown over a number of years and represents a major methodological improvement over previous approaches .
30 There is no virtue in several injections of insulin if the patient is well controlled on a single injection each day , but this state of affairs is unlikely to be the case in a patient who has had diabetes for a number of years and has little residual β-cell function .
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