Example sentences of "number [prep] [noun] [that] have " in BNC.

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1 Yes , yes , I mean this year , with the formula obviously , because the number of fire calls has dropped , it impacts upon er , as I say that , I do n't know whether the actual , the cost , the differential between the number of calls that have dropped and the drop in the S S A , whether it 's comparable , and I do n't suppose they 've got a measure of the drop , in S S A terms it 's far greater than the actual marginal costs of er , not attending those er , extra , extra fire calls .
2 Instead of measuring distance as " number of genes that have to change in evolution " , we are going to measure distance as " odds of happening to jump the distance , by sheer luck , in a single hop " .
3 Concentration of updates in a particular area — case 3 above — reduces the number of blocks that have to be read and in the most extreme case , where all or none of the records in a block require updating , the percentage of records that need to be read would not change due to blocking .
4 This gives a rough idea of the number of choices that have to be carried forward in order to produce word graphs of this size .
5 Given the number of mergers that have happened over recent years , it 's becoming a rare event when a firm can celebrate its centenary with the same name it started out with .
6 Geomicrobiology , the study of geological and biological interactions , attracts increasing interest ; in BGS , the number of projects that have a biological component is growing steadily .
7 The difficulties of interpreting the law are shown by a number of cases that have arisen .
8 I mean , I think , there is something there that needs pursuing , I 'm not accusing all judges of being , inherently , you know , nutty , or , whatever , but , the number of cases that have come to light in the last few years , whether it 's because the press have just decided to home in on them ,
9 The early sociologists established a number of traditions that have subsequently moulded the place of women in sociology .
10 This meeting has now been arranged for 11th March at which a number of matters that have also been brought up at the various members ' meetings will be queried .
11 This allows us to by-pass a number of problems that have been discussed in the literature on two-sector models , including the uniqueness of momentary equilibrium ( see , e.g. , Dixit , 1976b , Ch. 6 ) .
12 Each cell has its own developmental programme which makes use of a limited number of processes that have been used again and again , for hundreds of millions of years .
13 A number of companies have gone to great pains to point out to the shareholders that the goodwill adjustment does not affect the company 's net asset value , but Company Reporting named a number of companies that have actively avoided showing the full extent of losses on disposal .
14 As a result , there has been a steady growth in the number of companies that have an audit committee — around two-thirds of the top 150 UK listed industrial companies and the great majority of UK listed financial institutions now have audit committees , and in more than half these cases , the committees were established within the past five years .
15 A reason why a number of companies that have adopted some form of matrix management have declared it a failure is to be found in inadequate preparation and briefing of those involved .
16 And I 'd like to erm try and get you all to see what you can tell by simply observing the building , and I 'd like to concentrate if we may on the central part of the building , because there are a number of changes that have been made to that building erm which tell a story .
17 So , this method of measuring the conservatism of DNA , by looking at the number of changes that have actually occurred during geological time , compounds genuine copying fidelity with the filtering effects of natural selection .
18 Clearly a number of factors that have to do with the history of English ( chiefly the reported merger of meat/mate in the sixteenth century ) , with patterns of language maintenance , and with phonological theory and description , have also motivated the choice of this variable , and we shall return to these in chapter 5 .
19 So far as compulsory sheep dipping is concerned , er , there are a number of counties that have put the view that erm , it should be made compulsory again .
20 According to a study by the agricultural/ — economics unit at Exeter University , the number of farms that have diversified has nearly doubled since the mid-1980s .
21 The number of countries that have H-bombs is limited because the technology for making tritium is so hard to come by .
22 The number of countries that have produced full comprehensive environmental strategies like our own can be numbered on the fingers of one hand .
23 In a quantitative sense , in terms of the number of laws that have been passed in the past 12 years , that is correct , but if the totality of the laws represent a house , it will ensure that the laws that it changes will result in the foundations being decimated , with the result that it will fall down .
24 The number of particles in the baby universe will be equal to the number of particles that have fallen into the black hole , plus the number of particles that the black hole emits during its evaporation .
25 Erm I was going to pick up on a number of points that have been raised by previous speakers , but erm Mr Grigson and Mr Curtis seem to have er dealt with a few of those , erm just with regard to the the table put in by C P R E , with their figures , I would just agree with Mr Cur er Mr Grigson that there is a very substantial degree of double counting in those figures , there is also a very substantial degree of over provision in the allowance for for conversions , er past conversion rates in Greater York have averaged something like twenty nine dwellings per year , over a fifteen year period your talking about four hundred and thirty five dwellings , which is the figure that both York City Council and ourselves have have made allowance for for conversions , that compares with a figure of a thousand dwellings referred to by the C P R E and I see no foundation for that figure , erm , as I say Mr Curtis already picked up on the point about windfalls rates by Mr Thomas , erm just turning to the difference between the tables er submitted by the County Council and York City Council on the the residue within the er Greater York area , I would accept the figure , the figures put in the tables by Mr er by Mr Curtis , I think that they have picked up the the more recent planning permissions and the completions information , and they also take on board there more recent work on erm development within the city , and I I accept that table .
26 While making it easier for people to build up considerable capital assets , and to pass these on intact , the Government has taken a number of measures that have allowed many people to acquire capital assets for the first time .
27 There are a number of schools that have introduced a more interventionist approach , without sacrificing the enthusiasm and creativity of their pupils .
28 This refers to the number of knots that have been tied per in 2 of pile .
29 has responded to those by , for example , over this year there has been closed circuit television at one of the Park and Rides — I think it 's Thornhill — in consultation with the Police , and the Police have told us that that has reduced the number of crimes that have occurred and we have put
30 Erm , I mean I think if we 're wishing to analyse the application , I I think we must consider what it does n't do for the village , and I think there are a number of aspects that have to be considered , erm , first of all as a village , and I 've heard in this very Parish Council that the reputed view made that there is a need for small village accommodation , this development certainly does not provide that , we 've also expressed a view that it would be nice to retain the existing bungalow , because that is small village accommodation , and although it only has a very limited history , again it would be nice to retain it as an integral part of the village .
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